
Tuesday Oct 06, 2015
Oktoberfest 2015
Tuesday Oct 06, 2015
Tuesday Oct 06, 2015
It's that time of year when we celebrate beer....more than all those other times when we celebrate beer! Beer expert John Vireve visits with some Oktoberfest beers for the friends to sample. We learn the history of the celebration, the meaning behind all of the festivities and which beer is essential to this time of year. Plus, travel guy Gary Warner takes us to cities with bizarre names like Dickshooter, Beaver Lick and Sugar Tit. Brooke Peterson, Ted Prichard and Chris Martin join Phil in the studio for all the fun. Stories: The Chronic Sneezer, Baby head re-attached, the real way to survive a bear attack, NFL Fantasy sites in big trouble, breakfast cereal recall, Gary Busey, Freakish Jeopardy Genius, Dog Tail Mood Reader, 911 butt dials, the decade you are happiest, and finally, Disneyland ain't cheap!

Thursday Oct 01, 2015
Toxic Jerky Treats
Thursday Oct 01, 2015
Thursday Oct 01, 2015
"I hope those jerky treats are made in America." So do we, but Phil isn't so sure. That was a quote from "Petrendologist," Charlotte Reed. Plus Manny the Movie Guy reveals he has a new man crush. He reviews the weekend's big movie releases as well. Tech Dude, Jeremy Anticouni reviews the iPhone 6S. Skylar Cuarisma and Chris Martin co-host. Phil touches Skylar's romance nerve with questions about marriage proposals. That's OK, she likes her buns just like she likes her men. Chris has a thing for sorority selfie girls. Even robots can't assemble Ikea furniture. Folks in Oregon are baked. Phil hates Ariana Grande. And finally, caffeinated peanut butter.

Tuesday Sep 29, 2015
Bowling on Mars
Tuesday Sep 29, 2015
Tuesday Sep 29, 2015
Liquid water was discovered on Mars. How long before signs of life, like the ruins of a shopping mall or a bowling alley turn up? It's a reasonable question, right? Maybe not, but a NASA expert sets us straight in this episode. Plus Kids Sports Injuries and a preview of the 2015-2016 NHL season. Travel Guy Gary Warner takes us to his favorite urban cities to visit in October. Ted Prichard reveals Oprah Winfrey is finally a US Citizen. More stories: Tinder and Grindr are upset about a public health campaign, did Chipotle finally give in on carnitas? It's national coffee day! Do you remember your best cup of coffee? The race to ban hammocks on college campus! Will Smithers come out of the closet? What would Matt Damon say about that? The next Oreo flavor. And finally, Sam Smith has a song...and it's slow...and boring...but Roger Moore likes it.

Thursday Sep 24, 2015
The Plague
Thursday Sep 24, 2015
Thursday Sep 24, 2015
This time it's the Bubonic Plague we have to worry about. Dr. Michael Z. Kurtz explains why there's nothing we can do to stop it and you'd better get t a doctor fast if you get it. Plus a surprising answer to the question, "Should I get a flu shot?" Plus, what hackers are doing with your finger prints, why today's parents suck at parenting and which movies not to waste your money on this weekend with David Sheehan. More stories include: Yogi Berra sayings, Happy Birthday for free, Don't touch the Pope, the drought conspiracy, Jamie Lee Curtis invented Instagram, how much would you pay for a book full of Gisele Bundchen photos? Who spends more time shopping, men or women? The best rock trios of all time, and finally, the sweaty armpit apple.

Tuesday Sep 22, 2015
Signs of the Apocalypse
Tuesday Sep 22, 2015
Tuesday Sep 22, 2015
Here are a few: the tetrad of blood moons, The Pope is addressing Congress, prisoners are on Yelp complaining about steak and beer, and the Muppets have a new TV show. Plus an attorney talks about what has to be done at stadiums to keep fans from dying. And a doctor talks about the ridiculously high number of people who die each year in hospitals due to medical mistakes. Add to that, our travel guy started talking about a parade where people carry giant wooden penis sculptures. Do you need any more proof the end is near? More: The Jagr kiss, Pope dope, Trump tweets, Pan Pan, Donkey Kong, Pam Anderson is a marijuana mama, Prison Yelp reviews, One Direction and Coldplay might play the Superbowl, don't go fishing in Indiana, the maximum allowable bites when eating a hot dog, and Faith Hill is, oh...never mind. It's Armageddon I tell ya!

Thursday Sep 17, 2015
Your Dentist Sucks
Thursday Sep 17, 2015
Thursday Sep 17, 2015
Clearly yours does. We say this because of the dentist we spoke to on today's episode. Dr. Zeines not only checks you for cancer, he has a pretty good sense of humor. Plus you'll hear from Manny the Movie Guy on just how good Johnny Depp is in his new movie. Chris Martin and Ted Prichard join Phil in the studio. Topics: Facebook's "Dislike" button, CNN GOP Debate ratings, tax free weed day, Elton John's Putin Prank, Rainbow Doritos, car dashboards are catching up with your smartphone, judge says "no fat chicks" is a good employer policy. Muslim kid builds digital clock, brings it to school...what could go wrong? Amazing one-handed football player. Is it about time we looked into diplomatic immunity? Alex Trebek saying "Turd Ferguson." A dating app for people who love bacon. And finally, the stuff women attack their cheating men with.

Tuesday Sep 15, 2015
Weed Money
Tuesday Sep 15, 2015
Tuesday Sep 15, 2015
Chris Martin returns to the line-up today. He and Ted "Thrashpie" Prichard learn all about investing in marijuana stocks with the Wolf of Weedstreet. Plus Gina Kloes explains how to have magical moments with loved ones IF you ditch the digital device for a while. Travel Guy Gary Warner takes us up and down the west coast on Highway 1. More stories: Amazon in space! NFL rules TV ratings. American Ninja Warrior. Dr. Oz bows to pressure. Mark Cuban for president? Schwarzenegger takes over "the board room." Gary Busey DWTS quotes. Kids drunk on hand sanitizer. Women keep clothes they'll never wear again. How high can a crocodile jump? Ukrainian Woman crushed watermelons with power thighs. And finally, Orange County, CA's plan to get homeless people to sleep elsewhere.

Thursday Sep 10, 2015
The Truth About Women
Thursday Sep 10, 2015
Thursday Sep 10, 2015
We want the truth. You can't handle the truth! OK, fine, then don't listen to this episode of Phil Hulett and Friends in which Phil and Ted "Thrashpie" Prichard stumble into dangerous waters: Who lies about their relationship status in social media? What kind of a guy do women really want? And advice for men on "Mastering Women." We need a vacation after those items. That's why travel speaker, author, Marco Aguilar talked about breaking out of the box and having a purpose-driven vacation. Shira Selko from The Long and Late Movie Show podcast stepped in to review this weekend's movies: The Visit and Perfect Guy. Plus these stories: Apple's announcements were boring, NFL kicks off tonight, Mid-East Exodus, whose fault is it that our kids aren't very smart? Medical condition could lead to crime, is the border controlled? The most popular passwords on AshleyMadison.com, show the world you love porn, and you gave WHAT for a wedding gift?

Tuesday Sep 08, 2015
What Could Go Wrong?
Tuesday Sep 08, 2015
Tuesday Sep 08, 2015
Scientists have decided to reanimate a prehistoric virus. What could go wrong? On today's show, Phil Hulett is joined in the studio by Brooke Peterson, Gonzo Greg Spillane and Ted "Thrashpie" Prichard. We ask again, what could go wrong? Brooke offers the following stories: Safari Dentist goes back to work, Colbert debuts tonight, Astronauts on the ISS remotely control a robot on earth, Pylon Cams for the NFL, Kim Davis, and Why Cynics make less money. Greg issued the latest speculation on Apple's scheduled new technology announcement, Marijuana gets a Mascot, and the Fat Shaming YouTube gal. Ted wondered who should get the transgender acting roles in Hollywood, was curious about the government's big land grab near Area 51, reported on high school football players attacking a referee during a game, and had sad news about the "Sock It To Me" girl. Phil asked if any from a list of cartoon characters turned you on as an adolescent, revealed the average cost for a fast food meal at various chains, the naughty cracker, the ten things you shouldn't buy at Walmart, and issued the question, what are people up to? Reference "Fish Porn." Interviews: The LivAll interactive, connected bike helmet. How to talk to your kids about money even if you are clueless.

Thursday Sep 03, 2015
We Are Doomed
Thursday Sep 03, 2015
Thursday Sep 03, 2015
That is the conclusion reached for today's show after reviewing the latest SAT Scores, the state of college campus safety, caffeine addiction, death by selfie, FakeABaby, and finding out hackers can not only look in on your sleeping child but can gain access to your home network through your baby monitor! That's right, we are DOOMED! Lucky for you, the lovely Ms. California USA 2014, Sande Charles co-hosts this episode. She goes to bat for Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer and her "micro maternity leave." You should hear what she had to say. Plus Manny the Movie Guy says see one movie and avoid the other this weekend. The Technology Tutor, Chet Davis answers the question, is technology bad for our health? Kathleen Baty, "The Safety Chick" offers survival tips for college students. Plus: Rosie O'Donnell and Tatum O'Neal are dating? Gary Busey might save this season of Dancing with the Stars. Please vote for him. Phil freaked when he found out McDonald's real plan for all-day breakfast and called for a social media boycott storm! Who is better at washing hands after using the restroom, men or women? Brady wins Deflate Gate in court...or does he? And finally, humanity is redeemed by a football player who donates his bone marrow so a complete stranger may live.

Tuesday Sep 01, 2015
Dog Days of Summer
Tuesday Sep 01, 2015
Tuesday Sep 01, 2015
If you want to know how bad things are going, ask your dog. The Radio Pet Lady explains why dogs get depressed this time of year. Plus how do you plan a vacation around the hyped Godzilla El Niño? Ask our travel guy. Ted "Thrash-Pie" Prichard joins Phil Hulett in studio. Stories: Kanye West for President? Proof Ashley Madison is a scam. The Divorce Selfie. Sponge Bob The Musical - strange musician list. Will Bear Grylls drink presidential pee? How much action did each of the Golden Girls get during 7 seasons? Christina Aguilera singing lessons. The 10 worst places to live in America. A Target Store with a full bar. What do women find less attractive: Nose hair or bad breath? You pronounce "Mt. Everest" wrong. And finally, in case we have to remind you...firefighters are the best!

Thursday Aug 27, 2015
Uber El Niño
Thursday Aug 27, 2015
Thursday Aug 27, 2015
It's coming. An El Niño so big, Phil Hulett calls it ultra, mega, uber El Niño, HD. Listen to what one of the world's foremost experts on El Niño has to say about what we can expect. Plus, author, Cynthia Copeland talks about really important stuff her kids taught her. And Manny the Movie Guy offers his Top 10 Movies of 2105...so far. Ted Prichard joins Phil Hulett in the studio, and topics include: School bureaucrats using district emails to set up Ashley Madison accounts. The "Pelvic Thruster" strikes again. We're pretty sure there will be a Ronda Rousey vs Floyd Mayweather Jr. fight some day. For now, you'll have to settle for the MMA-themed porno with a funny Rousey-inspired title. Shaq and Kobe sit down to tell all about their relationship. An NBA star is accused of drugging and raping a woman. The Rattlesnake Selfie. Good news for the "Darth Vader Kid." The Top 10 dog names. Josh Duggar in rehab. "Butthurt" and "Brainfart" are among the new words in Oxford Dictionaries.