
Thursday May 21, 2015
Women and Whiskey
Thursday May 21, 2015
Thursday May 21, 2015
On today's episode we explored the tastes of female whiskey drinkers with the founder of the San Francisco Women of Whiskey Group. Plus Manny the Movie Guy reviews Tomorrowland and Poltergeist. Our tech guy hates Pay Pal and the NSA. Our guest co-host, Ms. California Sande Charles compared hardware with Ms. Senior California, Dr. Gayla Kalp Jackson who dropped by with sash and crown to honor America's fallen soldiers. We already miss David Letterman, Chris Martin thinks TV's Bachelorette is a whore, You want to hear Phil Hulett's comments in response to NHL Commentator Mike Milbury's shocking statement about permanently injuring Anaheim Ducks star Corey Perry. A teacher is in trouble for doing what teachers did back in the day to keep kids in line. Red Nose Day explained. Bionic Eyes can be yours soon. Bankers who give their wives performance bonuses. And a guy who seeks to draw attention to the plight of an endangered species, by killing one of them.

Thursday May 14, 2015
Dancing Dead Kitties
Thursday May 14, 2015
Thursday May 14, 2015
It's too delicious a headline, isn't it? The reigning Ms. California United States, Sande Charles, visited as co-host and introduced us to the dancing dead cats story, as well as a story about people in China who were caught selling panda meat on the black market. She's an animal rights person people, go easy. But cute little pandas? And oh, koalas will rip your face off if you're not careful. Out tech guy dropped by to talk about ordering pizza with emojis. Ashley Papa offered 6 things that change when you go from boyfriend and girlfriend to husband and wife. Manny the Movie Guy had great stuff to say about one and not so great stuff to say about the other of the two new movies in wide release this weekend. Would you rather give up your Internet connection or lose a finger? You apparently have the attention span of a goldfish. American Idol winner Nick Fradiani is pitchy, dog. Tiger Woods confesses. J-Lo heads to Vegas. Bill Simmons is out, so is Harry Shearer. Get ready for more Captain Jack Sparrow. And did we mention dancing dead cats?

Tuesday May 12, 2015
Stress, Money and Sex
Tuesday May 12, 2015
Tuesday May 12, 2015
We've pretty much covered the spectrum of subject matter on this show, right? Learn how to turn stress into a good thing with Kelly McGonigal, PhD. Retire rich following the tips from Thembi Buthelezi, and scientists reach a conclusion on the benefits of more versus less sex. Plus how to know if you are exercising enough or too much. George Zimmerman screws up again. Nepal is struck by another massive earthquake. Verizon is paying how much to buy AOL? How much would you pay for Picasso's most pornographic painting? Tom Brady is sent to the gulags for asking for balls to be deflated. A woman delivers a monster-sized baby. Did Kanye West deserve this honor from a university? A man finally graduates college after THIS man years. More Americans have no religious affiliation. And a guy is arrested after rescuing a dog from a locked car.

Thursday May 07, 2015
Survivor, Tom Brady and Rap vs Beatles
Thursday May 07, 2015
Thursday May 07, 2015
If you are a big fan of the CBS reality TV show, Survivor, you know the show might be ruined forever because of something that happened this week. Listen to the discussion. Plus Tom Brady is in trouble now that the NFL made some conclusions about Deflategate. Which has had more influence on American popular music, rap or The Beatles? Argue among yourselves or listen to The Friends battle it out. Is the NSA approved to spy on your private stuff? Another moron spills hot coffee on himself and sues. Did you know moron, and imbecile and idiot were once acceptable terms assigned to specific ranks on the IQ scale? Writer and mom, Alice Eve Cohen talks about parent-child relationships just in time for Mothers Day. Who's had more previous sex partners, you or your parents? Hey you, kid, wanna buy a Wendy's? A bunch of new ridiculous words have been added to the dictionary. And finally, a Pizza Hut app saves a woman's life.

Tuesday May 05, 2015
Live Music and Beer Shots
Tuesday May 05, 2015
Tuesday May 05, 2015
It's a first on Phil Hulett and Friends, live music in the studio! Ali Spagnola quit her cushy job at a video game company to tour the world singing about beer and celebrating a timeless drinking game called the Power Hour. Hear her work 91 synonyms for drunk into a 1-minute song. Plus we talk craft beercations with the Innkeeper of The Caldwell House Bed and Breakfast in the Hudson Valley. Ken Wright, The Shower Guy has an invention that will force you to take shorter showers during the drought. It's Cinco de Mayo and you don't know why. Manny Pacquiao lied! Now he's in big trouble. A body builder goes too far in his quest to look like the Incredible Hulk. Is Scott Weiland off the wagon or does he need new roadies? There's an App that blocks any mention of the Kardashians. When you panhandle, be sure to wear designer logo clothing. And finally, admit it, you were rooting for the new royal baby to be named Gertrude.

Thursday Apr 30, 2015
Avengers, Yoga Pants and Stanley Cup
Thursday Apr 30, 2015
Thursday Apr 30, 2015
The biggest box office draw of the year opens at midnight, and Manny the Movie Guy has all kinds of issues with it. While talking about the sexualized images of women on social media Erin Myers is shocked to find out why men love yoga pants. You need to hear her reaction. What's wrong with the backless dress at the prom girl? Dave Lozo from Bleacher Report issues his Stanley Cup Playoffs round two preview. Our tech dude gives a hands-on review of the Apple Watch and tells us some disturbing news about Android apps and what they are doing to your phone. Hear the story of a 300 pound Sea Lion attacking a fisherman and Phil's advice for fending off future attacks. Chris Martin offers an NFL Draft preview. What time of day is the peak time for sex for men and women? And finally, Phil is outraged by the coming changed at McDonalds.

Tuesday Apr 28, 2015
Fracking, PMS and Sex with Your Dead Husband
Tuesday Apr 28, 2015
Tuesday Apr 28, 2015
The subject matter on this episode is all over the board. A Geophysicist looks at fracking and earthquakes, our travel guy talks trash about airports, a real estate expert gives tips on buying and selling in the spring time, and ladies are doing shocking stuff with their dead husbands. Is it true men have PMS? Is Bruce Jenner planning to show off his womanly figure in a risque photo shoot? What's worse than DUI? Mom of the week gives her son "what for" in the middle of the Baltimore riots, Courtney Cox kind of lays blame on a "friend" for why there's no "Friends" reunion. Move over Cold Stone, now there's Cold Stoned Creamery. Erin Myers was invited to a dog birthday party. Bumble Bee Tuna employees might be pure evil. Men are delusional if they think sexy women have sexy voices. Admit it ladies, you steel from people's medicine chests. There's a singing Uber driver, and he's pretty good. Apparently professors can't fail their students. Behold the fuel of the future. Are the Clippers for real? And finally, people who hear colors and taste sound.

Tuesday Apr 21, 2015
Blow Your Stack!
Tuesday Apr 21, 2015
Tuesday Apr 21, 2015
Today we explore just how likely it is that entire cities along the west coast of the United States could be buried under molten lava. In happier news, a doctor says you can get your natural hair color back and he explains how. Learn what you need to know about Autism Spectrum Disorder. What are they doing to Kraft Mac and Cheese? Full House is returning. Newly discovered frog looks like Kermit? Meet the hot robot receptionist. Willie Nelson's craft herb. These hot dogs cost a dollar for a reason. Tim Tebow signs. Rosanne Barr is going blind. The Baseball Manager's F-Bomb rant. The lip-plumping game. And finally... Bacon-Wrapped, Deep-Fried Oreos!

Thursday Apr 16, 2015
Jesus Christ!
Thursday Apr 16, 2015
Thursday Apr 16, 2015
That's right, padre. We've got Jesus Christ on the show today. Juan Pablo di Pace plays a hunky Son of God on the NBC Mini-Series, "A.D. The Bible Continues" and he graces the show with his countenance. Plus Manny the Movie Guy on Mall Cop 2 and the new Star Wars trailer. Jeremy our tech guy will scare you away from ever flying an airline again, and hid the dog and the baby from the robot lawn mower. Jerry Springer says he's sorry for ruining our culture. Sofia Vergara's eggs, the female condom that guarantees satisfaction, Aaron Hernandez sentence, V. Stiviano's gums, the meme kid buys his dad a kidney, and giant zits on your butt cheeks.

Tuesday Apr 14, 2015
Drone Stalkers and Seedy Motels
Tuesday Apr 14, 2015
Tuesday Apr 14, 2015
Who is going to keep some kid down the road from buzzing your bedroom window with a drone? Listen to this episode to find out. Tell your kid good luck cutting the mustard, there's a more difficult SAT coming. Is it safe to stay at a motel these days? How about staying at the first "Mo-Tel?" Our travel guy has some answers. Now there's self-driving car sickness. TSA screener gets to groping. Chris Martin found the mother of the week...you won't believe what she did with her kid at the zoo. Note to self: don't shoot an armadillo. There's a cure for obesity that'll kill you if you don't know what you are doing. Who's a more important member of the family...your pet or your mother-in-law? CAn we just say "Stop the Madness" to destination weddings? And finally, is the cat wearing a black and blue or a gold and white dress while walking up or down the stairs?

Thursday Apr 09, 2015
Wanna Know How Mad Men Ends?
Thursday Apr 09, 2015
Thursday Apr 09, 2015
Phil asks the co-producer of Mad Men if he knows how the show will end when the series finale airs. You will be surprised by the answer. Plus Josh Weltman talks about what it takes to seduce somebody like Don Draper can. Former Police guitarist Andy Sommers answers Phil's question, "Will there be another Police reunion?" Our guest movie reviewer, Shira Selko says she loves her some Clint Eastwood's shirtless son on a horse. Tech dude, Jeremy Anticouni covets a particular type of drone. At least 4 groups are outraged by Apple's new emojis. Chris Martin warns you to cover your tomatoes. NASA's chief scientist says we will discover alien life within a decade. Tiger Woods does OK in the first round of The Masters. What would kids rather eat? A worm or vegetables? And finally, the ten most common self-imposed drinking rules.

Tuesday Apr 07, 2015
Is Wearable Tech Causing Cancer?
Tuesday Apr 07, 2015
Tuesday Apr 07, 2015
You'll hear from Dr. Mitch Gaynor who raises significant concern about digital devices and their cancer risk. He says the jury is still out on the risks and you should hear what else he says. Plus we talk with a Nutritionist who says to forget everything you know about gluten and lactose intolerance. Our travel guy checks in to extol the virtues of small towns. An engineering student describes a vehicle that can get 1500 mpg! Lane Bryant goes nasty in it's social media battle with Victoria Secret. Behold the Burger-King wedding. You'll get a charge out of a new drinking game...literally. You can bring one of these into the NRA convention. The TSA keeps the change...a lot of it. Which hand-penned work raised more money in auction, the Gettysburg Address or Don McLean's "American Pie?" Now you can file for divorce via Facebook. And finally, do sesame seed farmers think we're racist?