
Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Paris Hilton Makes HOW Much Money?
Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Paris Hilton makes billions of dollars selling stuff like perfume and clothing...which makes us ponder the gravity of this and how beloved she is to the stuff-buying public. More stories today include the baby born without a nose, should he get a prosthetic? The Religious Freedom law in Indiana gets a makeover. Note to law enforcement, don't let Snoop Dog take a picture with you. Your next electric vehicle might be a 1968 Mustang Fastback. The dad who pulled his son's loose tooth by tying it to THIS. The woman who pooped in a box at K-MART. The best corporate April Fools prank ever. Would you sleep on some guy's couch on vacation in Cuba? Uber driver drops off woman and then goes back to her house to do this. And finally....cut baby animals!

Tuesday Mar 31, 2015
The Potty Mouth Edition
Tuesday Mar 31, 2015
Tuesday Mar 31, 2015
Settle down! We talk about bathrooms with a guy who quite possibly is the only "bathroom photographer" in the world. We ask why are bathrooms embarrassing? Plus, you won't believe what Phil Hulett wanted to know about public restrooms. And are you an over or under toilet paper roll person? Plus you get details about the 69 classic cars that were found on a property in Southern California - they could be worth millions. Our travel guy talks bacon maple bars (say no more). 4 movie stars had tunnels from their homes to the Playboy Mansion. Can you guess who they are? Is McDonald's finally going to serve your breakfast after 10:30 in the morning? How many women want to date their gynecologist? Now you can get night vision injected into your eyes? Shut up and behave in the movie theater, will ya? Stray dogs pay their respects to a human friend. The Religious Freedom Restoration Act has people hopped up. And finally, keep your legs crossed ladies...behold the selfie shoe.

Thursday Mar 26, 2015
Women be Like, What is this Show?
Thursday Mar 26, 2015
Thursday Mar 26, 2015
There's a decidedly absent female voice on today's program. Erin Myers takes a personal day leaving duties to Phil Hulett and Chris Martin who chose to tackle all sorts of female issues. From long-term birth control to equal pay, to the biological clock and who women want to have lunch with, we're pretty sure Phil and Chris got it all wrong. You decide. Other stories today: Is there going to be a super highway from London to New York? Mountain Dew will kill you! Racist frat boys apologize, but is it enough? Lollapalooza line-up. A stray pit bull nurses a kitten. Scientists carefully "analyze" the 400 most popular online porn videos and come up with 4 earth-shaking takeaways. Manny the Movie Guy issues a warning about this weekend's box office offerings. Tech Dude, Jeremy Anticouni explains why Facebook wants to launch a drone to 60,000 feet. And finally, why carnies might be the key to happiness.

Tuesday Mar 24, 2015
Dreams, Bad Texting and K-Cups
Tuesday Mar 24, 2015
Tuesday Mar 24, 2015
On today's episode we learn what our dreams mean and how to harness that creativity to enhance our lives. The trick is remembering those dreams. Dream expert Justina Lasley explains how to do it. If you lack the grammar and spelling skills to text properly, relationship reporter Ashley Papa says if you're not careful, you'll lead a long and lonely life. Our travel guy, Gary Warner checks in from the Pacific Northwest to talk about the wonders of the Columbia River Gorge. Find out why Germans will love Sharknado 3. Angelina Jolie has had another preemptive surgery to make sure she never gets cancer. Will tell you which lady parts she had removed this time. The people who make K-Cups finally realize how those use em and lose em plastic cups are polluting the planet, and they are doing something about it. Behold the Taco Biscuit. Erin Myers says dog germs are good for you! What Woz says about the coming robot apocalypse. Haunted dolls bring big bucks on e-Bay. And finally, a 440 pound chocolate-peanut butter cup.

Thursday Mar 19, 2015
Cancer-Fighting Nanobots
Thursday Mar 19, 2015
Thursday Mar 19, 2015
What a breakthrough in science! Tiny robots made of DNA enter your blood stream and destroy cancer cells. Sounds like science fiction but it's been tried and it works...and a nanobot could be navigating through your body some day looking for baddies. But then again, robots could be primed to take over America's dirty jobs. Manny the Movie Guy reviews Insurgent. What is "Stuffocation" anyway? Good news for folks who were not allowed to drive Tesla's. Google's new luxury watch partner. Which baseball stadium has the best hot dog? The top 10 best lines from the worst movies. Urine-repelling paint and pees back! The church of the not-so-compassionate sprinkler head. Should voting be mandatory? Man Madonna is getting old...she can't even beat a TV show on the music charts. And finally, all the doctors who told a lady to stop drinking her favorite drink three times a day have long died...she's still drinking it and attributed her advanced age to that drink.

Tuesday Mar 17, 2015
St Paddy's Day, Eat More Fat, Bracket Time
Tuesday Mar 17, 2015
Tuesday Mar 17, 2015
It's an episode packed with goodness. Today Americans get their drink on in honor of a guy who died 1,583 years ago on either March 8th or 9th. Listen to find out why we celebrate on the 17th. Plus you hear from a Doctor who says go ahead and eat all the butter and fried chicken skin you want because animal fat is good for you. If you haven't filled out your NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament bracket, we have expert advice for you. Our travel guy wonders what's next for Down Town Las Vegas? If you are constantly distracted does it mean you are a creative genius? A psychology researcher has the answer. Plus, never mind Pacman vs Money, get ready for the "Quake in Salt Lake" when Evander Holyfield steps back into the ring to fight a guy who never gives up. Plus, the Karate Kid is HOW old? Skinny models may be banned in another country. Starbucks wants its baristas to have a conversation with you that will probably not end well. Microsoft is saying buh-bye to it's (in)famous browser. What real Mexicans say about fake Mexican fast food. By the way, can you name America's favorite fast food chain? Learn how to open a beer bottle with a sheet of paper. Can you spell Jagermeister? Jot that down, most people cannot. And finally, please do not do THIS with your chop sticks.

Thursday Mar 12, 2015
This Episode Powered by Palcohol
Thursday Mar 12, 2015
Thursday Mar 12, 2015
After all the outrage over the invention of powdered alcohol, Palcohol has been approved by the Feds and will hit stores soon for kids to put in their juice boxes. At least that's the fear among parents, educators and doctors. Plus today we reveal the timing for Lisa May to "tell all" about her departure from Los Angeles radio station KROQ. And a guy who ran 52 marathons in 52 weeks explains how you can do that too. Our tech guy gives us a virtual tour of Mt. Everest and he says he's not into the Apple Watch but he loves the new Mac Book. Manny the Movie guy talks about Cinderella's particular set of skills for he battle with Liam Neeson for box office primacy. Ms. California United States Sande Charles popped in from Arizona to describe Will Ferrell's quest to play ever baseball position at training camp. Erin Myers is afraid of the new "Hello Barbie" and you should be too. Something else to be afraid of - the Poopetrator. Chris Martin asks the question, who would win in a fight, Laila Ali or Rhonda Rousey? Finally Phil Hulett wants to know if it's sexist to hold doors open for women or to pay for dates?

Tuesday Mar 10, 2015
The Lisa May Episode
Tuesday Mar 10, 2015
Tuesday Mar 10, 2015
Listen to this episode of Phil Hulett and Friends to hear what Lisa May is willing to say about her sudden departure from Los Angeles radio station KROQ. Needless to say, she's a talent and fit right in with "the Friends" and contributed stories like: Music for Cats, things that shorten your life, who's more narcissistic - men or women?, what the TSA found in a lady's luggage and the idiot girls from California who did THIS at the Colosseum in Rome. Our regular friends, Erin Myers and Chris Martin filled up the line-up with facial tats in a "breastaurant", men of Instagram, toxic donuts, sexist washing instructions, and the nurse who fakes it. Phil Hulett interviewed today's guests including a taxi driver who hates Uber (and immigrant taxi drivers for that matter), an Inn-Keeper who is giving away the Inn with an essay contest, a AAA lady in South Dakota who isn't thrilled about a proposal to hike the speed limit to 80mph, and our travel guy picks the best spots home and abroad to celebrate St. Patrick's Day.

Thursday Mar 05, 2015
Rats, Monkey Brains and Flesh-Eating Deer
Thursday Mar 05, 2015
Thursday Mar 05, 2015
Today's episode will test your adventurer's spirit. An author who's traveled to every country in the world describes the places he's seen, the women he's loved and the food he's eaten...not to mention his brushes with death. If you're squeamish about conversations about eating rats and live monkey brains, the remember to fast-forward. But you might want to get busy eating rats before they kill us with the plague. Yup, it's back. And, Bambi might come to our homes and eat our children someday. Wait until you hear about the herd of deer with a taste for blood. You might think twice about going to any of the new movies this weekend after our movie reviewer gives his opinion on them. You might also think twice about buying car insurance through Google. That's right, Google! Plus we have these stories: Ammo Vending Machines, creepy talking pillow with lady-parts, Jodi Arias sentence, Mugshot McDreamy is ready to pursue modelling, are red heads genetically superior? The laser eye treatment to change your eye color, is it daylight saving or savings time? The K-Cup inventor is sorry, boxing returns, the world tallest hamburger, graffiti grammar Nazis, the worst reality TV shows, and why we smell our hands after a handshake.

Tuesday Mar 03, 2015
Spring Training, Sleep Disorders and Relationship Hell
Tuesday Mar 03, 2015
Tuesday Mar 03, 2015
We're covering everything today with Ms. California United State Sande Charles checking in from Scottsdale, Arizona with a baseball training camp report. Plus The Sleep Apnea Girl returns with helpful tips on how to get a good night's rest, and Tanii Carr is back with pointers on how to emerge from relationship hell. You might want to take a vacation once you hit the dating scene again, so why not cruise? Our Travel Guy Gary Warner lets you in on a tip that could save you 70 percent on your fare. The friends dive into a wide array of topics including: The third degree black belt airline pilot lady with no arms, Paula Dean's healthy cookbook, the hidden Lewinsky in the official Clinton Presidential portrait, the brick does the trick with a thick thief, China beats Hollywood at it's game, a special fabric makes movie stars invisible to paparazzi, twin sisters - one white, one black, is Maggie Smith leaving Downton Abbey?, maybe she's joining the cast of Sharknado 3!, you paid how much for a Grateful Dead concert ticket, and finally, scorpions!

Thursday Feb 26, 2015
Lions, Tigers and Net Neutrality, Oh My
Thursday Feb 26, 2015
Thursday Feb 26, 2015
Today is Net Neutrality Day. The FCC approved it and you don't even know what it is, you just know you don't like it. At least, that's what the polls say. Plus a guy who provides therapy to veterans with PTSD by introducing them to Lions, Tigers and Bears...no, really! Manny the Movie Guy explains why he got the Oscars so wrong this year and reviews the latest Will Smith Movie, Focus. Our special guest-host today is the reigning Ms. California United States, Sande Charles. Gonzo Greg Spillane sits in, too. Chris Martin and Phil Hulett handle the familiar faces responsibilities. Other topics include: The Bachelor Finale, crazy chicks, the AKC's top dogs, Taylor Swift is WHAT? Human head transplants, hyper-loop testing, the world's hottest hamburger, the bluetooth whiskey bottle, the body parts women are unhappy with, and a social media network for flatulence.

Tuesday Feb 24, 2015
Pack up the Kids, We're Moving to Mars
Tuesday Feb 24, 2015
Tuesday Feb 24, 2015
Imagine you've had it with life here on Earth, so you decide to high-tail it to MARS! That's exactly what one 27 year old Long Beach, CA woman ill do. Lift-off is in ten years, but you'll hear her motivations for leaving and find out why her family believes she's nuts! Plus, the commuter train wreck in So Cal, what to do with your kids if you are snowed in or otherwise locked in your house due to brutal winter weather, and if you don't book your tickets to a U.S. National Park now for summer, you may be out of luck...UNLESS you listen to our travel guy. Chris Martin tells us about Apple's controversial new ethnic emojis, a cure for child peanut allergies, a plan to speed up baseball, and how many NFL teams are really coming to Los Angeles. Erin Myers brings us the Face Blanket, the mystery Pan Am games tunnel, Dancing with the (Who?) Stars, and the Girl Scout Cookie Oven. And Phil Hulett taunts Erin with stories of Tom Brady going into acting after his football career is over.