
Thursday Feb 19, 2015
Skip the Sales Guy, Oscar Picks and Detroit
Thursday Feb 19, 2015
Thursday Feb 19, 2015
Hang up the plaid sport coat, bud. We're listening to Phil Hulett and Friends and learning how to buy a car without your greasy sales techniques. Get out your office pool, Manny the Movie Guy picks the winners in 24 Oscar categories. And tech dude, Jeremy Anticouni talks Apple and electric cars while waiting to board a flight to a place he'd rather not go...Detroit in minus 11 degree weather. Good luck pal. Did we mention Phil and Chris held down the fort for this episode? Let us know how you think they did without assistance from the lovely Erin Myers. Chris revealed NASA's plans to drop a submarine into an interplanetary sea of methane, Dr. Seuss has a new book out and he died 24 years ago. Are naps bad for 2 year-olds? We have the top ten things people on Twitter are giving up for Lent. Nature's cruel hoax against penguins. And finally, what happens when bacon and pizza collide?

Tuesday Feb 17, 2015
Islamic State, Fat Tuesday and Booty
Tuesday Feb 17, 2015
Tuesday Feb 17, 2015
Yes, we know...but this show is nothing if not steeped in variety. Today we felt it important to learn more about the brutal terror group, Islamic State (or ISIS or ISIL or whatever they are called). We learn a lot from an expert on counter-terrorism with 30 years experience in the C.I.A. Plus we got a full report on the happening in New Orleans for this, Fat Tuesday and all things Mardi Gras. And a board certified plastic surgeon reveals we are living in the "Age of the booty." Nice to know, right? And our travel guy gives tips on deep off-season discounts to great cities. Add to those interviews, great stories like: Patti Hearst competes and wins, kindergarten teacher pounds beers IN CLASS, female Viagra is coming, Apple to pay BIG bucks for Tesla, the secrets of longevity according to a 115 year old woman, is the Washington Monument shrinking or not?, the top flirting techniques and a sexual renaissance will occur in your marriage....you just have to wait....a long time.

Thursday Feb 12, 2015
Heart-Shaped Box of Snickers
Thursday Feb 12, 2015
Thursday Feb 12, 2015
Guys, we found the perfect gift for Valentines Day. Never mind the flowers and the fancy chocolates, chances are your girl loves Red Vines or Twix bars, like our Erin Myers does. Listen to this episode to find out what to do, and we guarantee you'll be golden. While listening to the show, we heard from an expert on the stress Valentines Day brings and how to overcome it. Manny the Movie Guy weighs in on 50 Shades of Grey and Kingsman: The Secret Service. And our Tech Guy talks about an app that lets you borrow money from your friends. Other stories today include: the heiress who went nuts over nuts on an airplane hears from the judge. The middle school crossword puzzle fail. Revenge porn is outlawed in at least one place. Puerto Rico will send police to your house if you're fat. And who gets more kisses on Valentine's Day? People or dogs?

Tuesday Feb 10, 2015
Taxes, Love Letters and Spring Break
Tuesday Feb 10, 2015
Tuesday Feb 10, 2015
It's that time of year when you have to do your taxes, you focus on your better half for Valentines Day, and the kids head off to party town for spring break. On today's show all three topics are delved into with the appropriate gravity with experts on each matter. Plus: the bionic leaf, the killer Rumba, do not fly zones for drones, stuff you should clean more often, measles parties, Bobbi Kristini Brown, the sexiest accent in the world, and the craziest things people steal from hotels.

Thursday Feb 05, 2015
Mila, Measles and Robot Room Service
Thursday Feb 05, 2015
Thursday Feb 05, 2015
I think we all suspected Mila Kunis was the Queen of the Universe. Manny the Movie Guy confirmed it in his review of her new movie Jupiter Ascending. Put it this way, Manny's pick of the weekend of the Sponge Bob movie. Dr. Kurtz gives us good advice on the measles and the questions you should be asking your doctor NOW. Our tech dude, Jeremy Anticouni has great Net Neutrality news, plus word of a hotel in Japan run by ROBOTS! Sports Illustrated gor for near full frontal nudity on the cover of it's swimsuit edition. Say hello to Belinda Jenner. McDonald's "Pay with Love" epic fail. Marijuana vending machines. A woman will die if she laughs. An all-woman college sends fat-shaming letters home. Smart guys in Silicon Valley are high on acid. Shame your kids with the "Benjamin Button Haircut." And a janitor dies and leave a fortune to charity.

Tuesday Feb 03, 2015
Safe Dating and Driving in a Driverless World
Tuesday Feb 03, 2015
Tuesday Feb 03, 2015
The dating scene is rough these days. Some would say it's unsafe. Now you can investigate your date. Expert Mary Coder explains how to do all sorts of background checking on your potential lover without becoming a stalker. Phil wonders what life will be like when driverless cars hit the road. Will they be able to react to the unexpected maneuvers by all the cars with drivers? Plus travel to baseball's spring training camps, Paris Hilton's boob job, jack rabbit explosion, Suge Knight, Bobbi Kristina Brown, Portland Strippers go on strike, 4th grader suspended for Lord of the Rings ring, Coca-Cola milk, FAA regulations on the moon, Bruce Jenner transforms before our eyes, Johnny Rehab, 5 ways Facebook ruins your life, Super Bowl ratings and cockroaches!

Thursday Jan 29, 2015
Super Bowl of Chips
Thursday Jan 29, 2015
Thursday Jan 29, 2015
We love eating the chips and the dip this weekend when we watch the big game. What are you serving at your Super Bowl party and who's going to win the game? Chris Martin has the latest odds from humans and robots, plus a bunch of prop bets that have people buzzing and dropping their dollars. Gonzo Greg Spillane visits to co-host with the a myriad of football facts and other useful information, like how much money you could make selling your poop to science. Manny the Movie Guy offers his top 10 football movies. Dr. Frieda Birnbaum answers the question, why do 1 in 10 men cheat on their pregnant wives? Tech dude Jeremy Anticouni helps you pick the rick Wi-Fi extender. Carlos Santana wants to have a word with your kids...about SEX! And finally, Phil Hulett tells us about a super thing the Make A Wish foundation did for a 14 year old Seahawks fan.

Thursday Jan 22, 2015
TV Burger Babe, J-Lo and the Holographic Helmet
Thursday Jan 22, 2015
Thursday Jan 22, 2015
Everybody is talking about this year's Carl's Jr.'s Super Bowl ad and the practically naked babe in it. People are outraged or overjoyed, but it doesn't matter, the burger chain is getting a ton of free advertising...AGAIN! We spoke with Manny the Movie Guy about the chances Jennifer Lopez's new movie is worth seeing. Plus Louis Zamperini's (think Unbroken) son joins us to talk about the lessons his dad learned during an extraordinary life. We learn about how to deal with teens and our tech guy, Jeremy Anticouni says Microsoft may actually be cool again- wait until you hear what they are bringing to the market. Breaking news: Comedy Central will hold a roast for Justin Bieber, an asteroid is approaching Earth, the most dangerous sex position for a man, and the Las Vegas odds that New England Patriots head coach Bill Belichick will be suspended by the NFL for the Super Bowl.

Tuesday Jan 20, 2015
Stop Breeding Like Bunnies! And Other Memorable Quotes
Tuesday Jan 20, 2015
Tuesday Jan 20, 2015
The quote in the title is loosely attributed to Pope Francis, but today the show is full of potent quotables and other enlightening if not unexpected conversations including the advice of a doctor who runs through all the clinical evidence that proves divorce will kill you. Plus a lady who sings a sad song about the new recipe Cadbury Creme Eggs, the Hotels offering 50 Shades of Grey-themed vacations for Valentines Day, and Jane Fonda's words of regrets over her "Hanoi Jane" antics during the Vietnam War. Who was more evil a bunch of years ago, Bill Cosby or Mark Wahlberg? Is it OK for prison inmates to grow beards? How far would you go to have perfect skin? And finally...is Chris Martin a daddy?

Thursday Jan 15, 2015
Oscar, Eats and Tubes
Thursday Jan 15, 2015
Thursday Jan 15, 2015
The title of this episode makes absolutely no sense, right? Let us explain. Today the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences reveals it's Oscar nominees and our Manny the Movie guy is not happy. In fact he says his heart is hurting. For "Eats" we speak with award winning cook book author, Mimi Sheraton about the 1,000 Foods you need to eat before you die. And for "Tubes" we speak to our tech guy, Jeremy Anticouni about a test track Elon Musk (Space X, Tesla, Solar City) is building for his Hyperloop idea. If you don't know, the Hyperloop, in theory, could shuttle you, in a tube, from Los Angeles to San Francisco in 30 minutes...and it's said to be totally safe. Plus stories from the friends: virtual kidnapping, free food for hotties, the flu shot is practically worthless, Mayweather vs Pacquiao is happening and you won't believe how much money they'll make, Chris Martin has a beef with the El Capitan climbers, Get a bachelors degree in sustainable craft brewery, there's a black "Bachelor" coming to TV, the Yelp shakedown, and kids at a school in Alabama are ready to respond to a possible armed attacker with something off the grocery store shelves.

Tuesday Jan 13, 2015
Estrogen Takeover!
Tuesday Jan 13, 2015
Tuesday Jan 13, 2015
In a PHAF phirst, there are 2 women and 2 men at the friends' table. Erin Myers and Brooke Peterson hail for team estrogen, while Phil Hulett and Chris Martin hold down the testosterone fort. We think it went...OK. Give a listen to today's topics and decide for yourself: Chevy's "Tesla-Killer" live from the Detroit Auto Show, Traveling to Europe post Paris terror attack, embracing laughter in the workplace, the top 10 guys women fantasize about cheating with, a new CD from Donny Osmond?, the women men find ideal has blonde hair and THIS, McDonald's gets good and bad reviews for a new ad campaign, 9 year old is arrest for stealing a pack of gum...and the judge decides his fate during this show, Kim K's app fails, Buckeye fans tear up Ohio in celebration of national championship, plus who among the friends wins the first edition of "What'dya have for dinner last night?"

Thursday Jan 08, 2015
CES, Foie Gras and Broken Resolutions
Thursday Jan 08, 2015
Thursday Jan 08, 2015
Big CES news this week including the new and more expensive consumer Drones that will soon be hovering over your private backyard party soon, and something called the "belfie stick." Plus California un-bans foie gras, which if you don't know what that is, you should hear our producer Brooke Peterson describe it. Oh yeah, she filled in for Erin Myers today. She also alerted women to an alarming shortage of tampons! Gonzo Greg Spillane was back for another guest-hosting stint. He led with this headline: "Machete-wielding adult toy store security guard is attacked with a bong." 'nuff said. Manny the Movie guy holds solid on his Oscar predictions and works in some Globe guesses, too. He reviews Taken 3, but only for a moment, and his favorite movie of the year is out on DVD. Dr. LeslieBeth Wish gives hope and direction to those whose New Years Resolutions are already broken. And a quick poll of the room....nobody wants to see Miley Cyrus naked in Playboy.