
Tuesday Jan 06, 2015
Guitars, GRIT and Vegas
Tuesday Jan 06, 2015
Tuesday Jan 06, 2015
Guitar playing will get you far in life, so that's why we speak to an actual guitar god, Paul Gilbert about how he teaches YOU to play guitar. Our travel guy visits and asks us to guess which travel destination has unseated Las Vegas as the number one vacation spot. Can you guess? Plus, what does GRIT stand for? If you get some,maybe you can overcome obstacles to succeed in life. An expert explains the concept. Gonzo Greg Spillane visits as guest co-host and makes you believe that Kermit the Frog is in the studio and high on hooch. Is Sasquatch alive and walking the streets of Arizona? Bill Gates eats poo. India pales over a Ghandi ale. The FBI is listening to your cellphone calls and there's nothing you can do about it. January is divorce month...just ask Gonzo Greg. Chris can't pronounce "Gaston." Erin is thrilled about what South Korea is doing with dogs that are bred for eating. Phil offers up the new belt that automatically adjusts with your weight, and shames you when you eat too much. And finally, three new Girl Scout Cookies you probably could care less about.

Tuesday Dec 30, 2014
Life Changes for Jay Campadonia
Tuesday Dec 30, 2014
Tuesday Dec 30, 2014
A couple of bombshells on the show today concerning Jay Campadonia. One involves his love life, the other his radio career. Listen to today's episode to find out what's going on. Plus we talked about how to get your book published the indie way, the new HOT destinations for travel in 2015, why so many more parents are homeschooling their kids and where to get the resources quick and easy to do it yourself. Also, Lindsay Lohan contracts an untreatable virus, people really hate Justin Bieber, a 2 year old reaches into his mom's purse and pulls this out, Target takes some hard knocks, men are visiting lactating prostitutes, there's a campaign to save "man-spreading" that makes a case for men sitting with their legs open, 6 well-known and established brands that will dies in the new year, and did we mention the stuff with Jay?

Tuesday Dec 23, 2014
Hot Christmas, Jacking Cars and Unemployable People
Tuesday Dec 23, 2014
Tuesday Dec 23, 2014
It's Christmas time! Why not get away from the snow, put on your bikini or your board shorts, and hit the beach? Our travel guy walks you through his version of a HOT Christmas. You also hear about some of the stupidest things people do during job interviews, and which vehicles are most wanted by car thieves today and throughout history? More on this episode: The Sony Hack, Flacco-Gate, North Korea without Internet, the Zombie Nativity Scene, the Fed Ex truck with the back open, the office party slip n slide, R.I.P. Joe Cocker, important Keurig recall, no really, it's important because the machines could disfigure you for life! More: The Badass Santa, FDA adjusts it's ban on blood donations from gay men, and Casey Kasem is still dead but finally at rest after 6 months.

Thursday Dec 18, 2014
Hackers, The Interview, and sing with us now...Tase the Monkey
Thursday Dec 18, 2014
Thursday Dec 18, 2014
Now you can't get that song out of your head, right? Good. Sony announced it will not play the movie The Interview anywhere...we react and get a review of the movie from Manny the Movie Guy. Our Tech Dude, Jeremy Anticouni says hackers are reading your texts messages and listening in on your cell phone calls. Why did police have to tase the monkey? We interview a woman who explains how to teach at-risk young football players who to be a real man when they grow up. Can you see Christmas lights from space? Speaking of NASA, could those guys have been any more insensitive to west coast folks suffering through a 3-year drought>America's top 10 favorite movies...is yours on the list? A mom sues the police for not arresting her son for DUI. And a homeless guy offers to help a woman who needed cab fair. You wont believe what she did in return.

Tuesday Dec 16, 2014
Gardening, Languages and Scarlett Johannson's Thighs
Tuesday Dec 16, 2014
Tuesday Dec 16, 2014
Nothing like the holidays, right? That's why we talked December gardening with Nick Federoff, why it's important to speak at least one additional language, and which parts of Scarlett Johannson's body need some work. Plus Kim K Kropped her Kid, the greatest Christmas Tree ever, the law in Texas let's you do this to the neighbor's dog, kids love e-Cigarettes, people are tattooing their dogs, "Frozen" director apologizes for "Let it Go," at what age is it inappropriate for your children to see you naked?, Euro-Christmas with Gary Warner, why guys tune out of your conversation within 6 minutes, will Mama June do porn?, did the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame get it right this year?, and how to wrap a gift in 10 seconds.

Thursday Dec 11, 2014
Naked Bacon Mango Storm
Thursday Dec 11, 2014
Thursday Dec 11, 2014
As one of the largest, wettest storms bears down on California, the Friends are all over the news of the day, including controversial sex ed for students, Kim K believes God is trying to humble her, a Police Chief bridges the racial divide, a waitress gets an unbelievable tip, customers don't report McPorn on the TVs for an hour, grandma fends off car jackers, an underwear company has the perfect name but the patent office is not amused, and now there's a bionic bra and a naked bacon cup. Plus Manny the Movie guy on the Golden Globe nominations, Buck Jones on avoiding customer service hell, and Jeremy Anticouini says you don't need to buy an Ultra HD TV.

Tuesday Dec 09, 2014
It's Fun to Say Flirty Pizza Port-a-Potty
Tuesday Dec 09, 2014
Tuesday Dec 09, 2014
We never say that during the show, but we should have because all three words come up in conversation. Plus how much money is Grumpy Cat making and worse, what is Grumpy Cat's politically incorrect name? Phil really has a beef with TGI Friday's, we check a real estate listing for a Hobbit House, reveal who makes more money - lefties or righties, the group who claims responsibility for hacking Sony explains what they want, Mark Walberg want to carry a gun, an expert guides us through the Medicare maze, Marci Fair says to forget about tradition...take it easy for the holidays, Travel guy Gary Warner takes us to Patagonia and McDonald's has a secret menu.

Thursday Dec 04, 2014
Toys, Robots and Automobiles
Thursday Dec 04, 2014
Thursday Dec 04, 2014
Today we talk about America's love affair with automobiles...is it over? Brian LaForest thinks not. Hear what he has to say, plus Page Olson says your child will do a lot better with PVC pipe than if you got him or her the trendy gift for the holidays. She makes a pretty good argument. Our tech guy, Jeremy Anticouni explains how technology is creating another line at Starbucks. Lay your bets...Manny the Movie Guy predicts today, December 4, 2014, that Julianne Moore will win the Best Actress Oscar for her roll in "Still Alice." The friends contribute stories from Mariah Carey's botched Christmas song (you have to hear it), the personhood rights for chimps case is closed, Santa gets hauled off in the paddy wagon and children cry, the strangest things kids have asked mall Santas for, the CDC says the flu vaccine is useless but you should get it anyway, and Alisa Milano breastfeeding.

Tuesday Dec 02, 2014
The Soaking Wet Stupid Smelly Edition
Tuesday Dec 02, 2014
Tuesday Dec 02, 2014
Torrential rain today in Southern California and the precipitation is having an effect on "The Friends." The head of Stupid.com describes a host of stupid gifts for the holidays. Plus a doctor tries to reverse the dangerous anti-vaccine trend with facts. Our travel guy says to embrace the weather when you travel. We have the list of things flight attendants cannot do, the pin-up girl milk ads, NFL in LA, Stephen Hawking wants to kill James Bond, the hidden fortune in the garage sale desk, terrorists target Oprah, updated costs of the items in the song, "The 12 Days of Christmas," Girl Scout Cookies for sale online, and women are dying their armpit hair!

Tuesday Nov 25, 2014
Ferguson, Malaria and a Low-Carb Thanksgiving
Tuesday Nov 25, 2014
Tuesday Nov 25, 2014
We're all over the map today as 2,200 National Guard troops are deployed to Ferguson, Missouri after a grand jury's decision not to convict a white police officer for the shooting death of a black teen. We "round table" the issue of race relations and solve absolutely nothing, but our hearts were in it. Plus we talk with a young woman who is slowly, but successfully savings lives in Africa after her trip to Tanzania led to her contracting malaria and almost dying. Our Travel guy ice skates around the world. We learn all about a low-carb Thanksgiving dinner and something called a faux-tato. South Korea cracks down on selfie-sticks, a high school madame is buster for running a prostitution ring on campus, invest in tight workout pants now, learn how to get 7 nights free in a luxury hotel in Sweden, and there's a very popular hashtag: #ThanksMichelleObama that all the kids are using. Oh, and one more thing...Erin Myers may have tripped on one of her dogs, we're not sure. We do know she hurt her ankle. We'll have an update on her condition soon. Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday Nov 20, 2014
We Were NOT Mocking Jay
Thursday Nov 20, 2014
Thursday Nov 20, 2014
Do you even know what a mockingjay is? It's from that new movie, The Incredible Adventures of Mockingjay, Pt 1 we think. Manny the Movie Guy sets us straight on that. Plus Kelly and Sierra from MTV's "Slednecks" join us live to talk about how they pass the time away in Wasilla, Alaska. Our tech guy warns that evil Russian hackers have a website where tens of thousands of hacked webcams can be viewed, live. It's the Great American Smokeout today...time to quit, OK? Erin Myers has the list of the most dangerous toys and a bus that runs on human poop. Jay Campadonia follows up on a woman who deserves the worst mom of the year award. Chris Martin introduces us to three old ladies smoke weed for the first time. And Phil Hulett explains why you should not go to all the effort fighting the Mall crowds to buy presents.

Tuesday Nov 18, 2014
Drives, Deserts, and Divorce
Tuesday Nov 18, 2014
Tuesday Nov 18, 2014
Does it sound counter-intuitive to plan for your divorce before you get married? Tanii Carr explains why it strengthens your love bond. Kelley Blue Book is out with it's Best Buy awards for the 2015 model year, you hear from Jack Nerad from KBB.com. Gary Warner the travel guy takes us to the desert and we survive! Plus the Oxford Dictionary word of the year, Washington's first Pot Auction, Pastafarianism, the Gay Bull of Ireland is saved from slaughter, the Best and Worst Dogs, frog-in-a-blender drink, pink Viagra for ladies, Jose Canseco's finger, Charles Manson to be wed, the age at which we have the best sex, the gross reason why your first kiss is so good, and a break-up text goes viral!