
Thursday Nov 13, 2014
Mumps, Movies and Celebrity Poop
Thursday Nov 13, 2014
Thursday Nov 13, 2014
Just an odd show today all around...from turkeys on the freeway to vacations breasts to celebrity poop (actual human excrement) on display in a museum, we have a little something for everyone. Plus our tech guy says President Obama's support of Net Neutrality is a good thing. Dr. Kurtz explains how in the world adults, like some Anaheim Ducks players, can get the Mumps and what other parts of your body besides the glands in your neck could swell up. We can't un-see nude pictures of Kim Kardashian, a school district goes zero tolerance on all religious references, including Christmas, a baby elephant fights off a pride of hungry lions, and behold...Manny the Movie Guy.

Tuesday Nov 11, 2014
Thank You Veterans
Tuesday Nov 11, 2014
Tuesday Nov 11, 2014
On this Veteran's Day we spend some time with our own reflections on our freedoms and those who sacrifice so much to secure them for us. Plus we speak with a career military man who offers a great perspective on how the military has changes over the past two decades, how the battles we fight have changed, how we treat our returning soldiers and some pointed advice for young people who are considering talking to their military recruiter. We talked about other topics including an interview about Mr. Hockey, Gordie Howe, a human head inside a shark, the Dollar Store Evil Stick, ISIS and Red Bull, Monday Night Smoothies, the self-absorbed Dear Santa letter, Calvin Klein's version of skinny, bad-ass Girl Scouts, self-aware intelligent robots in our lifetime, and a virus that makes us stupid.

Thursday Nov 06, 2014
Food, Maggots and Keira Knightley Topless
Thursday Nov 06, 2014
Thursday Nov 06, 2014
Yup, topless. Keira Knightley...but we admit, she wasn't on the show. (Go to our Show Fun page to take a look). The Maggots were not in studio but we posted video for you to see. What we did do is reveal all sorts of wonderful advancements in food, like spreadable Reese's Pieces, a dress make out of Skittles, a 3D printer that makes pizza and burgers, and proof McRibs are made out of real meat. On a serious note, we got behind a man's crusade to make music instruction mandatory at schools. Plus our tech guy gave the evil eye to CVS, Walmart and other big retailers who are trying to force an awful digital payment app on customers while locking out the good ones like Apple Pay and Google Wallet. A 68-year old guy named Dave joined us...he's looking for a bride. Harry Styles of One Direction might be playing for both teams, if you know what we mean. And finally, a guy will be eaten alive on TV a giant anaconda.

Tuesday Nov 04, 2014
Gas, Dead Presidents and Juicing Cannabis
Tuesday Nov 04, 2014
Tuesday Nov 04, 2014
It's election day in America so we focused on what's important: juicing marijuana in the increasing number of states where medicinal pot is legal. You hear from a tri-athlete who is completely pain free (and not high) with a juiced cannabis smoothie per day. Plus out travel guy takes us to bizarre places in California connected to former Presidents. We learn how to be better under pressure with author Jenny Evans. Gas prices are getting real low. Will they get lower or will we get smacked in the wallet with another endless hike at the pump? Fuel expert, Bob Van der Valk has the surprising answer. Phil Hulett counts the ways facial hair makes you healthier. Erin Myers introduces us to the new mug shot hottie (and she wants to meet him). Jay Campadonia takes us on a ride in the world's fastest golf cart. And Chris Martin teaches us all about "Sex Week"at Harvard.

Thursday Oct 30, 2014
Exorcism, Ebola, Verizon and other Scary Stuff
Thursday Oct 30, 2014
Thursday Oct 30, 2014
The day before Halloween we packed the show with frightening topics, like a former televangelist who now calls himself "The Real Exorcist." Plus a woman brings us stories of miracles from beyond, a Doctor gives us reason to believe we'll be able to survive the Ebola outbreak, and Verizon is messing with our privacy. Are you scared yet? How about a list of the sexiest Halloween costumes, the worst habits of crazy cat people, the breast milk spraying bandit, San Francisco Giants fans, a Coy Fish leaps out of a pond and grabs a kitten, and finally, a onsie that looks like a business suit. Be very, very afraid.

Tuesday Oct 28, 2014
Shocking Halloween Stories from the Crypt
Tuesday Oct 28, 2014
Tuesday Oct 28, 2014
Well, kinda. Our travel guy takes you on a tour of the best graveyards for Halloween fun. Plus we reveal the Sexy Ebola Nurse costume, the hard luck Zombie, the Walmart Costumes for "Fat Girls" fail, the latest in the creepy clown craze, and Judd Nelson lives! In other celebrity news, our very own Chris Martin took the day off, no doubt distraught over being dumped by Jennifer Lawrence. The guy who seeks out oddities to publish in Ripley's Believe it or Not book joins us and explains what "Snot Art" is. An author teaches us to eat healthy without breaking the bank. Click your heels and go places with a new app that works with an insert in your shoes. And finally, we still don't know why the company famous for making see-through yoga pants has entered into a marketing partnership with the Dalai Lama.

Thursday Oct 23, 2014
Two Words: Doughnut Burger
Thursday Oct 23, 2014
Thursday Oct 23, 2014
It seems like every week we find the perfect food. Listen to Jay Campadonia describe two delightful meals i which doughnuts are factored prominently. Plus a PhD tell us schools have gone overboard with the whole bully thing. Our Movie Reviewer actually likes the new Keanu Reeves movie. Private Facebook rooms and an app that figures out math problems are among the stories tackled by our tech dude. And...we feel bad for the albino deer that was bagged by a 12-year old...well, kinda, Hot Chicks Uber seemed like a good idea, Honey Boo Boo's mom has the hots for a pedo, now the show is in jeopardy, Renee Zellweger doesn't admit to plastic surgery...you'll hear what she says about her obviously different face, would you like some Hitler cream with that coffee? What does your zodiac sign say about your drinking habits? How about the dog you own? What does it say about your lifestyle? The worst cities to be in during a Zombie Apocalypse, crispy KFC chunks, a royal pantie raid, the Ebola Plush Toy, and finally a woman pulls a moth and a tick out of her husband's ear.

Tuesday Oct 21, 2014
Trains, Donations and Picking up Women
Tuesday Oct 21, 2014
Tuesday Oct 21, 2014
Men get lessons on being men from a woman on today's show. Plus we learn about the best vacation train rides, how to make sure your disaster donation dollar gets to the right place and a major fashion retailer is being called Anti-Semitic for one of it's blouse designs. Vodka saves a cat, McDonalds is expensive, a guy plinks the National Anthem, there's a Count Chocula shortage, don't wear costume contact lenses, President Obama charms a lady...after shaming her boyfriend, go to zombie survival camp or build a zombie-proof cabin, guy wakes up from surgery wearing women's pink undies, Jay's creepy clown update, woman goes to Craig's List offering to pay "cool black kids" to hang out with her son, Breaking Bad makes mom mad at Toys 'R Us, Scientific facts about boobs, and the mystery stranger who saved grandpa from a burning house.

Thursday Oct 16, 2014
Breast Cancer, Sausage and Jay Goes off on Chimps
Thursday Oct 16, 2014
Thursday Oct 16, 2014
We found another hot button issue for Jay Campadonia: chimps and civil rights. A story Phil Hulett posted on our blog page last week is coming to a head in court...should Chimps have the right to personhood? You need to hear Jay rant all the way down the slippery slope on this one. Plus it's National Sausage Month and we talk with our guy from the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council. You need to hear Phil's idea for a quick and delicious sausage recipe. It is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month and a survivor uses her example as hope for women to lead fabulous lives after mastectomy. Jeremy Anticouni, our tech guy, fawns over all the new Apple stuff coming out. Also of note: The Salmon Cannon, Chainsaw Beer Bottle Opener, Lionel Ritchie might be Khloe Kardashian's dad, a 6' 8" dominatrix, the biting, body-burrowing Balinese spider, and a pumpkin smashes a truck.

Tuesday Oct 14, 2014
Witches, Pyros and Baseball
Tuesday Oct 14, 2014
Tuesday Oct 14, 2014
We start a witch hunt with a Salem Witch Trials expert, then we talk with a lady who thinks kids should start fires and do other forms of risky play so they don't become completely useless grownups. Our travel guys talks about the remaining baseball cities and which ones are worth visiting. He said to skip on town completely....can you guess which one? Plus, a nurse REALLY had no patients, guys steal a Crisco truck,giant pumpkins,what did the guy find in Lake Castaic?, Play by Play MMA or NFL?, Chris Brown should just stop talking publicly,anorexic mannequins, 8 things you should never say on a plane, Queen Victoria wore huge bloomers, Clowns attack Bakersfield, and will Chris Martin know who Norma Jean DiMaggio is?

Thursday Oct 09, 2014
Mayhem Miller, USB Danger and Oktoberfest
Thursday Oct 09, 2014
Thursday Oct 09, 2014
We had plans today but MMA fighter, and host of the show, Bully Beatdown, Mayhem Miller was holed up in his home in Costa Mesa, surrounded by heavily armed law enforcement. All the while, Miller was Tweeting his thoughts as he had them. He eventually was apprehended without shots fired. We managed to cover other stories including: USB security vulnerabilities, our movie guy hates every big movie release for this weekend, there's a new social media site for rich guys, KFC in China served up a bucket of this, America voted on the most popular fast food chain, now there's Thanksgiving in a bucket, and what's the deal with Oktoberfest beer wenches?

Tuesday Oct 07, 2014
Ebola, Jennifer Lawrence and other Trending Topics
Tuesday Oct 07, 2014
Tuesday Oct 07, 2014
The Ebola outbreak in West Africa is not getting better, and as bad as it is there, people are going to great lengths to stay safe. Would Americans even put up with a quarantine? We speak with a doctor just back from Liberia. Jennifer Lawrence calls the theft of her cloud-stored nude photos "Sex Crimes." Amanda Bynes takes the plunge with a guy at a local bait shop. Careful where you sit and with whom at a restaurant or you'll pack on the pounds. There's a $1,700 burger. You won't believe what's in it. Go Dodgers! Sub-$3/gallon gas? Behold the Scro-guard. Listen to a woman sing two tones at once. Adrian Peterson's hotel orgy - who was there and how he paid for it. Before you quit your job, you need to hear what our expert has to say. Our travel guy saves you money for the in-between season. Who's the poutine-eating champion? And finally....spreadable beer.