
Thursday Oct 02, 2014
Nude Olympics, Cheap Tesla and Selling Your Junk
Thursday Oct 02, 2014
Thursday Oct 02, 2014
Jay Campadonia goes old school with a story about the Nude Olympics (can you guess which city they'll be held in?) A woman sues a sperm bank over the color of her baby's skin. Tom and Jerry are racists? Your sense of smell, or lack of it could mean you're ready to die. Muppets or porn stars? Our movie guy has a special take on the weekend releases. Tech dude, Jeremy Anticouni found something unexpected inside the Apple Airport box he bought at Staples. The Cabrillo Marine Aquarium offers tips on sustaining our seafood. A woman wins the lottery and buys bigger boobs. 10,000 pigeons have to be probed in their you-know-whats at the airport. And finally, can a potato stop you from getting pregnant?

Thursday Sep 25, 2014
Fear of Abandonment, Bendgate and Sex Toys
Thursday Sep 25, 2014
Thursday Sep 25, 2014
Why are iPhones bending? Visiting Tech guy, Tom Merritt gives his take on iPhone woes and warns about some scary malware that could take over your connected home. Plus Dr. Michelle Skeen helps you stop sabotaging your relationships. And, somehow, sex toys and sexy clothing factor prominently in several stories today... we don't know why this is the case...we're just here to report the news. Guest movie reviews, the Film Freak, Leo Quinones runs predicts the weekend box office results. Wanna buy a Batmobile? See what $9 million will get you. Tonight you can play a great drinking game during the Washington vs New York football game. What's more expensive, beer or heroin? Both are cheaper than game-used Derek Jeter stuff. Are you ready for the taste of human flesh? A London chef has you covered.

Tuesday Sep 23, 2014
You're Ugly and So's Your Grandma
Tuesday Sep 23, 2014
Tuesday Sep 23, 2014
Don't be fooled by the title of this episode, there is a legion of beautiful people willing to take you under their wing to hopefully invite you into the "club." Plus our travel guy offers trips to save money on holiday travel, and take special note of his advice on whether you should stay at grandmas or get a hotel room. You'll hear about the lady with three boobs and a doctor who came up with the mathematical formula for the perfect breasts. What does it say about a women if a cereal box is visible in her kitchen? Wait until you hear what they're cooking and deep frying at the LA County Fair. More food news: the hot dog that writes it's own jokes. They sold how many iPhones?!? Baywatch bathing suits turn 25 this week. Topeka is prepared for Zombies. What was that enormous animal swimming in the Chicago river? And up his nose it goes...yes, surgery was required.

Thursday Sep 18, 2014
Spanking, iOS8 and Beer
Thursday Sep 18, 2014
Thursday Sep 18, 2014
Today we talk about spanking, but we also talk about beer, the craft kind and a whole week's worth of celebrating beer in Los Angeles, Plus our movie reviewer kind of likes this weekend's offerings. Which movie fared well? You'll have to listen. Did we mention spanking? Former Miss U.S.A., Terri Britt thinks it's time to stop the cycle of violence, but you need to hear when Jay Campadonia takes her to task. Tech guy Jeremy Anticouni espouses privacy and freedom of speech and explains how Apple is doing the same. He also warns of drones on the horizon carrying super fast Wi-Fi. Phil Hulett reviews the most profane sports fans by team. Chris Martin knows what love is, even in death. And Erin Myers makes us wonder what's so bad about a 13 year old girl's t-shirt that got her in trouble at school. And finally, men, if your bride plans to spend $1,200 on this wedding dress, you'd better "Let it Go."

Tuesday Sep 16, 2014
Amateur CSI, Tsunami Survival and Go Halos!
Tuesday Sep 16, 2014
Tuesday Sep 16, 2014
One the day after the Angels clinched a postseason spot we discuss their chances with a baseball analyst. Plus the author of the book, The Skeleton Crew talks about joining with hundreds of online CSI freaks who attempt to solve cold cases. Our travel dude, Gary Warner takes us to his favorite places to watch the leaves turn in the fall. A USGS Geographer reviews out chances for surviving a tsunami, and the best routes to higher ground. Plus, Erin Myers with a girl in a shed, the motorcycle speed record, happy wife-happy life, and Papa Murphy's penis pizza. Jay Campadonia brings us up to date on Tony Stewart going back to court to face possible charges, the boob-squeezing X-Box game, the idiot of the week with a ridiculous name for his wi-fi hot spot on a plane, and remember Surge Cola? Chris Martin talks about a car constructed from parts printed on a 3-D Printer, The Vikings aren't having much fun any more, the iTunes U2 removal tool, and Warren Buffett's first sports bet.

Thursday Sep 11, 2014
Chris Martin Almost Died, Mrs. Ray Rice, and iPhone 6
Thursday Sep 11, 2014
Thursday Sep 11, 2014
When Chris Martin recently called in from Interstate 10 in Arizona to report on the torrential downpour and massive dust storm, we had no idea he almost died moments before he called. Why he waited, we'll never know, but listen to him recount what happened on this show. Our tech guy give us a preview of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6+, including a new way to securely buy things through "tokenization." We love orphaned dolphins with their tails cut off, and, according to our movie guy, so does America. Oh, and use the hashtag, #Dolphnado. The Ray Rice controversy has everyone wondering why battered women stay with their abusers, and we get answers and perspective from an expert. Plus Erin Myers with the 9-11 poll, stupid schools, Catholics versus devil worshipers, and the love story that will take your breath away. Jay Campadonia has the angry dog poop porch pooper, criminal selfies, and the 100 foot bratwurst! Chris Martin survived Arizona, barely, and issues a warning out of Florida: Look out for the poisonous hairy puss caterpillar, and the best argument yet for Texas to secede from the Union. One more thing...Alex Trebek is growing his mustache back.

Tuesday Sep 09, 2014
Social Media After Death, Haboobs and Haggis
Tuesday Sep 09, 2014
Tuesday Sep 09, 2014
Yes, they are called "haboobs." Plus who in the world would want to eat haggis? How to make arrangements for your social media footprint in the event you die. You can run to the top of a tall building for charity. The Home Depot data breach. Body language no-nos. Woman with dog collar forced to live in cage. Mom arrested with .431 blood alcohol content. The Jack Daniels bong. A 6-foot tall testicle! A 9 pound tomato! Voted "Most likely to...." New royal baby. More Ebola patients evacuated to the U.S.A. What is the Zombie Game? Stuff your parents did that would get them arrested today. These are just some of the stories in today's show. Thanks for listening.

Thursday Sep 04, 2014
Bloatware, Peak Performance, and Idiots!
Thursday Sep 04, 2014
Thursday Sep 04, 2014
Joan Rivers died today at the age of 81. Our tech guy explains how to keep your naked photos safe on the cloud, and recommends against rooting or jail-breaking your phone. Officials are still looking for the albino cobra on the loose in SoCal. Our movie guy says stay home this weekend and watch some re-releases of classic movies on DVD or on-demand. Dr. Robert Pasahow give his prescription for performing at your peak. Women prefer a guy with THIS over a guy with six-pack abs. Hear Floyd Mayweather, Jr. read. A Woman marries a dog...and that's not even the strangest part of the story.

Tuesday Sep 02, 2014
Waffles, Bullies and Bad Passengers
Tuesday Sep 02, 2014
Tuesday Sep 02, 2014
Today we ask the question, Will it Waffle? Apparently the answer is, "Yes." You have to listen to know what we're talking about. Plus, nationally recognized anti-bullying expert reveals the key to diffusing cyber bullying. Our travel dude explains why he thinks people are losing their minds in-flight. Wait a minute....what did he call flight attendants? Our new friend, Erin Myers looks for missing marijuana taxes in Colorado, updates us on the Uzi girl, and sounds a warning about radioactive boars in Germany. What? Jay Campadonia shows his colors when it comes to the pledge of allegiance, and sends out a call to all men who would like to visit a village in Brazil...a village populated by only...WOMEN! Chris Martin sends an unexpected shout out to Idaho, then tells us about all the fallout from celebrity nudes on the cloud, how action movies make you fat, and why the Rams dumped Michael Sams who in turn may become a Cowboy. Lastly, thanks to Phil Hulett for pointing out what is swimming and in some cases having sex on our faces right now.

Thursday Aug 28, 2014
Special Mini-Podcast: Yucks and Mucks #1
Thursday Aug 28, 2014
Thursday Aug 28, 2014
Maybe you've missed us while we take a little break from the regular action. Well, you are in luck. this is a special, mini-podcast edition of the show. Enjoy some of the funny moments from recent shows and some mistakes we won't let each other forget.

Friday Aug 22, 2014
08-22-14 Live from Tall Ships Festival Day 3
Friday Aug 22, 2014
Friday Aug 22, 2014
Today is our final day on Los Angeles radio station KFWB, which is switching to all sports talk in about 9 hours. Nonetheless, we put on a great show for the live audience at the Ports O'Call Waterfront Dining Restaurant. We learned all about the the 17th Annual Fedorin Cup charity hockey game featuring Anaheim Ducks and Los Angeles Kings fans. Plus an expert on the USS Iowa battleship visited the patio. He said the ship is ready to go into battle if called up...after about 100 days in dry dock. Jay Campadonia informed us of American's dwindling IQ, something called "Pimpstagram," and the real power of the resume. Katie Clark sat in for Jennifer Bjorklund and got us worried about bears taking over America, going overboard with kale, dogs in restaurants, and why you should never get sick on an airline. Chris Martin thrilled the crowd with the fact that the Dominican Republic has banned a certain twerking musician, Green Bay's 22 inch kielbasa sandwich, a 335lb halibut catch, and Willy Nelson's 1980's braids up for auction. Plus, what's more popular, yoga or yoga pants?

Thursday Aug 21, 2014
08-21-14 Live from the Tall Ships Festival Day 2
Thursday Aug 21, 2014
Thursday Aug 21, 2014
Today we had two pleasant surprises, one, KTLA 5 News Reporter Erin Myers filled in for Jennifer Bjorklund, and brought us news of vacation homes in Sicily for only $1.30. Plus baby sitters making more money than pre-school teachers, France's no-selfie beach zone, and dating websites that pair you and your pets with compatible partners. The other surprise is Oscar-winning actress Gwyneth Paltrow nominated Chris Martin to take the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. We're pretty sure Gwyneth was talking about OUR Chris Martin, so Chris accepted the challenge, and did most of the show cold, and soaking wet. Chris also introduced us to some stingy sea creatures washing ashore in SoCal by the thousands, and a ban on Ketchup at a restaurant. Jay Campadonia warned about a Nutella shortage, a student suspended for saying "Bless You" after a fellow student sneezed, and a pageant mom for overboard getting her daughter to lose weight...wait until you hear what she did.