
Wednesday Aug 20, 2014
08-20-14 Live from the Tall Ships Festival Day 1
Wednesday Aug 20, 2014
Wednesday Aug 20, 2014
Live from the patio of the Ports O' Call Waterfront Dining restaurant in the Los Angeles Harbor, the "Friends" celebrate the first day of the Tall Ships Festival. Guests include the guy behind the Tall Ships Festival, a real Pirate with a piRAT on her shoulder, our travel dude describes how to take a tall ship vacation, or at least a harbor cruise. Plus, count how many times Jennifer Bjorklund says the word "behead" or "beheaded." Now you can get herpes doing THIS. The TSA's X-Ray scanners can see you naked but they apparently can't see on of THESE. A Glendale cop is caught soliciting an undercover hooker in Vegas when he asks for something a little "extra." Turn on the echo machine when you say, "Sea Plankton in Space." Plus, the world's largest rubber duck!

Tuesday Aug 19, 2014
8-19-14 Ice Bucket Slacktivism, Corvette Spy Dash and Naked Kobe
Tuesday Aug 19, 2014
Tuesday Aug 19, 2014
A packed show today with Jennifer Bjorklund calling the Ice Bucket Challenge people into question. Jay Campadonia describes the 2015 Corvette and why valet attendants should be worried. Chris Martin talks about an unauthorized piece of art shows us a new gaze at Kobe Bryant. The "penis collector" is under arrest. Justin Timberlake can do no wrong in Jennifer's mind. Johnny Manziel flips the ninja bird. A rock climbing Yosemite proposal goes very very wrong. The chocolate doctorate. Pumpkin spice Oreos! How to fight the city when you get cited for a violation of the building code. And what the hair stylist does on Sundays.

Monday Aug 18, 2014
08-18-14 Dumped in a Mine Shaft, Pencils for Students and How to Get A Job
Monday Aug 18, 2014
Monday Aug 18, 2014
The grim discovery of a missing woman's body in a 145 foot mine shaft in Southern California leads to the arrest of a man in Alaska. Can Eric Holder solves Ferguson's troubles? A career expert tears your resume apart, find out where to exchange school supplies for a free car wash. An Alabama couple pull a half-ton, 15-foot gator out of the river, Apple improves upon the USB plug, the plane crash kid gets his chance on the Michigan round ball team, and this week's band name for your approval: "Vegan Matadors."

Friday Aug 15, 2014
08-15-14 Louisville Purge, Showboating and The Rams are Coming
Friday Aug 15, 2014
Friday Aug 15, 2014
As scary as it sounds, there might by a Purge-like (movie reference) night in Louisville, Kentucky tonight, but in this case, the authorities are not pleased. We call out cowards who play the knock-out game...especially one guy in particular...what a total DB. The President of the SoCal Rams Booster Club is pretty sure the team is coming back to Los Angeles. Find out what happens when you curse in anger in South Carolina. Our movie guy hates all three of the big releases this weekend...but he highly recommends some must-see Robin Williams films on DVD. People are eating sharks into extinction for Shark Week. And a French athlete showboats his way into disqualification...and wait until you hear what he once did to a mascot, who was in reality a 14-year old girl, in a tooth costume!

Thursday Aug 14, 2014
08-14-14 Depression, Legos and Fried Chicken
Thursday Aug 14, 2014
Thursday Aug 14, 2014
Robin William's wife revealed her husband was not only dealing with depression, but also with Parkinson's disease. A comedy colleague of Williams joins us live to share his memories of Williams and his personal fight with depression. Plus, you will not believe what people are building out of Legos. Plus, perhaps the most genius food festival idea ever, the Fried Chicken Fest hits L.A. Add to the fun with an alcohol delivery service with delivery people in underwear, another example of how tough Alaskans are, Facebook shaming is OK with Facebook...even THIS example, Madonna killed everybody, and a hi-tech jet with no windows lets you see the world.

Wednesday Aug 13, 2014
08-13-14 Route 66, Manson and Football in LA
Wednesday Aug 13, 2014
Wednesday Aug 13, 2014
Rams or Raiders? Walmart or the Y? You have to listen to this episode to know what we're talking about. Plus you'll enjoy our travel guy's trip down Route 66, the author of the definitive book on Charles Manson, Jennifer's day three report on Robin Williams, including the guy who lives in the Mrs. Doubtfire house. You won't believe what he does for a living. It's International lefty day, and Phil Hulett can't believe only 10% of people are left-handed (like him). Finally, what is the opposite of terminus? We haven't a clue, but some early submissions: principum, genesis.

Tuesday Aug 12, 2014
08-12-14 Robin Williams, Back to School Tech and Freekeh
Tuesday Aug 12, 2014
Tuesday Aug 12, 2014
It's a sad day in the entertainment world on word of Robin William's suicide. Jennifer Bjorklund checks in from the Williams residence in Tiburon, CA. An expert on suicide and addiction joins us to explain the warning signs and the protocols for intervention. Jeana Lee Tahnk, the "Tech Mom" offers good gadgets to get your back to school kids. Bonnie Matthews, author of The Freekeh Cookbook sells us on the latest, greatest super food. Jay Campadonia explains why he hates music stores. Chris Martin is pretty sure a savvy college grad will get his stolen bicycle back. Plus the lactating pothead and the sleaze bag in a child's Barbie costume is caught on surveillance video.

Monday Aug 11, 2014
08-11-14 Drought Resistance and Work-a-holics
Monday Aug 11, 2014
Monday Aug 11, 2014
California is in it's third year of drought and the State is exploring how to "convince" people to conserve. Today we learned what to do, or NOT do to our gardens to be water wise when Nick Federoff drops by the studio. Plus, a sef help expert explains how work-a-holics can reconnect with their families before it's too late. Jennifer Bjorklund had the day off, and former KROQ DJ April Whitney stepped in. She explained how Courtney Love threw all of Curt Cobain's money down a hole, and challenged Phil Hulett and Jay Campadonia to a game of Scrabble in honor of the National Championships. Chris Martin revealed why teenagers are angry with the Teen Choice Awards. Jay found the best reason to stop taking selfies, and uncovered perhaps the jerkiest mom ever.

Friday Aug 08, 2014
08-08-14 Mutant Ninja Bloody Mary Hawaiian Hurricane
Friday Aug 08, 2014
Friday Aug 08, 2014
We have a twist on the Bloody Mary that will have you reaching fr your French-English dictionary. Plus Peter Frampton rages! We're pretty sure they did police did not find the Holy Grail at a pub in England. Jennifer Bjorklund checks in from Hawaii to assure us the locals are still hangin' loose after Tropical Storm Iselle barreled through. Movie reviewer Michael Sragow is not fond of any of the movies out this weekend, including Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but we talk to the guy who sang on the original theme song for that character line, and he was happy with a one-time check for a project he thought would never get off the ground. Plus, how much skin can your grow with a slice of foreskin? Is Steve Jobs alive and living in Brazil? And, things guys think are romantic, but they really are not.

Thursday Aug 07, 2014
08-07-14 Cheerleaders, MANopause and You've (Still) Got Mail?
Thursday Aug 07, 2014
Thursday Aug 07, 2014
What did some cheerleaders do that got them in big trouble once they posted the photos online? Jennifer Bjorklund checks in from Honolulu ahead of the arrival of hurricane Iselle. You won't believe how many people still use AOL dial-up. A petition seeks to get Weird Al as the half-time entertainment at this season's Super Bowl. Check your background check with a new app. Landon Donovan is through. Helicopter parents can hover even closer with a new app. What happened to Jenny Craig? Next time you order a bunless burger at Fatburger, simply ask, MORE MEAT PLEASE!

Wednesday Aug 06, 2014
08-06-14 Hawaii Hurricanes, Lodges and Curiosity
Wednesday Aug 06, 2014
Wednesday Aug 06, 2014
Tropical storms Iselle and Julio are headed straight for Hawaii, and that's why we sent Jennifer Bjorklund TO HAWAII. She'll be there when the storms, potentially hurricanes by then, come ashore. Our travel dude, Gary Warner takes you on a tour of America's Great National Park Lodges. The Author of Mars Up Close: Inside the Curiosity Mission joins us to talk about the 2 year birthday of the Mars rover. Gonzo Greg Spillane fills in for Jay Campadonia today with one county where smokers won't get hired for work, a guy named Sam Sung is selling his business cards...can you guess where he works? Bieber saves a guy from getting killed by a bear. The lady runner who uses her Nike Plus app to jog penis drawings on her GPS maps. Chris Martin reveals Kiss bassist, founder, Gene Simmons is on Donald Sterling's side. Windshield navigation is coming! Who wins in a fight, a bull shark or a crocodile? And Phil Hulett reports that California's population is larger than the population of....

Tuesday Aug 05, 2014
08-05-14 Teen Sexters, Spying Potato Chips and Ebola
Tuesday Aug 05, 2014
Tuesday Aug 05, 2014
How do you get your teenage son or daughter to stop sexting or flashing their naughty bits through SnapChat? An expert has answers on today's show. Plus, how worried should we be about Ebola? Our resident Dr. Michael Z. Kurtz has answers. Gonzo Greg Spillane visits again in place of the vacationing Jay Campadonia. He introduced us to potato chips that spy on your conversation, a study that says video games are GOOD for you, and the weapon of choice for two women in a bar fight (you'll never guess....so you better listen). Jennifer Bjorklund hates on the guy who kicked a squirrel over the edge of Grand Canyon and earthquakes caused by drought, and catching a pedophile through Google. Finally, you do not want to miss Chris Martin describe a Texas socialite's 3-story wardrobe closet, and the 7 other uses for vodka.