
Wednesday May 28, 2014
05-27-14 Isla Vista Hero, Johnny Football Gone Wild, and Dress Like a Dad
Wednesday May 28, 2014
Wednesday May 28, 2014
As Isla Vista mourns and tries to recover from a shooting/stabbing rampage that left 6 people, plus the shooter dead, we hear stories of hope and heroism on this edition of the program. Plus the cars most likely to be stolen, how hard Johnny Football "plays," and a fashion expert explains how to dress your age.

Friday May 23, 2014
05-23-14 Barbecue, Smoke and Rent-A-Gent
Friday May 23, 2014
Friday May 23, 2014
It must be Friday. On this program, you'll learn all about a new company called "Rent-A-Gent" where ladies can hire a hunky man for any number of reasons except the one you are thinking of right now. Then Berkley Hoagland of Berkley's Back Yard Barbecue comes by to explain and prepare delicious barbecue. Please don't hate The Friends for devouring the delicious food. Plus UFC Champ Rhonda Rousey drops two tough guys in a bar...a year later they ask a judge to even the score. Yelp goes video...we're pretty sure this is a bad idea. Iran wants to flog an actress who was seen kissing in Cannes. And crazy teachers!

Friday May 23, 2014
05-22-14 Chikungunya, Google's Fast Lane and Indy 500 Coverage
Friday May 23, 2014
Friday May 23, 2014
Some scary viruses are breaking out all over the world, and most of them are heading to the United State. This week the latest scare is Chikungunya virus. Dr. Kurtz explains what is it and how you can avoid it. Plus, Google snubs the FCC chairman and offers a free fast lane to a major content provider. And, storied Indy 500 reporter, Robin Miller plays the grid game. Jennifer sends a shout out to her BFF, NBC's Brian Williams. Jay asks the question, "How young is too young for sex ed at school?" And Chris warns that the post office as you know if is about to go away. And Pizza Drone!

Thursday May 22, 2014
05-21-14 The 231 MPH Edition - Indy 500, Kings and Rock Star Success
Thursday May 22, 2014
Thursday May 22, 2014
Ed Carpenter, the pole-sitter for this coming Sunday's Indianapolis 500 joins the Friends to talk about driving 231 MPH, whether Kurt Busch will bump, NASCAR style, and how great the finish line milk will taste if he's lucky enough to step onto the podium. Plus LA Times writer Helene Elliott checks in from Chicago to talk LA Kings and Chicago Blackhawks. And, music industry insider Steve Jones talks about unleashing your inner rock star.

Wednesday May 21, 2014
05-20-14 I See Sick People
Wednesday May 21, 2014
Wednesday May 21, 2014
On this program you learn all about an app that locates sicks people so you can avoid them! Plus World Cup dengue fever, OJ's obsession with cookies, add bloody mary to the veggie list, WWE's big plunge, NFL lawsuit, and super hero pallbearers.

Tuesday May 20, 2014
05-19-14 Cyber Espionage, Fun with Microbes and a Furry Fire Survivor
Tuesday May 20, 2014
Tuesday May 20, 2014
On today's program a cyber espionage expert discusses the US charge that members of the Chinese military hacked into US company computers and stole trade secrets. Plus Dr. Bill Miller talks about the bugs in your belly that are tying you in knots. And after spending the better part of last week covering the fires in San Diego County, Jennifer Bjorklund recounts the story of when she looked up and discovered a little, crispy kitty in a tree and what happened next.

Tuesday May 20, 2014
05-16-14 Social Media Detox, "Fed Up," and Bugs!
Tuesday May 20, 2014
Tuesday May 20, 2014
Could you give up your Facebook, Twitter or Instagram account...forever? Dr. Sherrie has tips on Social Media detox. The director of the documentary from the makers of "An Inconvenient Truth" joins the Friends live. And if you want to squirm, you need to hear an entomologist from the Natural History Museum of LA County talk about bug, DELICIOUS bugs.

Tuesday May 20, 2014
05-15-14 Net Neutrality, Teacher Jail and Godzilla
Tuesday May 20, 2014
Tuesday May 20, 2014
Wave buh-bye to an open Internet UNLESS the FCC chairman is swayed by public comment on his net neutrality position. Our tech guy makes the plea for freedom. Plus you'll hear all about what happens to teachers when they are accused of bad deeds in class...and we're paying for it. Plus the Film Freak, Leo Quinones talks Godzilla.

Thursday May 15, 2014
05-14-14 San Diego on Fire, Great Horror Camp Out, Ducks and Kings
Thursday May 15, 2014
Thursday May 15, 2014
Fire season got an early start today with the first of what would be 9 wildfires in San Diego County. Plus the Ducks and Kings play game 6 in LA...Eric Stephens of the Orange County register gives a preview and his prediction. And would you go to the Great Horror Camp Out? BOO!

Wednesday May 14, 2014
05-13-14 Summer Brain Drain and Justice for Vets
Wednesday May 14, 2014
Wednesday May 14, 2014
Summer is almost here and your school-aged child is ready to put his or her brain on park. An expert offers tips on how to avoid the summer brain drain. We're pretty sure none of these tips would have worked on Jay. Plus, actress Melissa Fitzgerald (West Wing) joins the friends to make a plea for more Veterans Drug Courts. And, we're pretty sure that wasn't God who drove a dump truck into a TV station.

Wednesday May 14, 2014
05-12-14 Dick Parsons and Sriracha Sauce
Wednesday May 14, 2014
Wednesday May 14, 2014
An abbreviated program today as the Los Angeles Clippers new interim CEO, Dick Parsons addressed the media at the top of the hour. Phil and the Friends analyzed the news conference and followed up with coverage of the latest on the Donald Sterling controversy. Plus Texas State Representative Jason Villalba returned with an update on his attempt to lure the Sriracha Sauce company away from Irwindale, CA.

Friday May 09, 2014
05-09-14 Parking Ticket for the Sign Guy and LA on LA
Friday May 09, 2014
Friday May 09, 2014
Wait until you hear from the parking sign installer who got a parking ticket WHILE he was installing parking signs. Plus the 35 things only Angelenos know about Los Angeles. And is the Veteran's Administration ignoring the medical needs of our men and women of the military? What happened to Johnny Football? And the Clippers name a new CEO.