
Thursday Jan 16, 2014
Off the Bird
Thursday Jan 16, 2014
Thursday Jan 16, 2014
We miss ya! Visit www.PhilHulettandFriends.com to subscribe to our official rss feed. Catch up on all the shows you've missed, and hear the very latest from Phil and the firends. The show is better than ever. Thanks for coming back!
If this episode doesn't bring people out of the woodwork...Phil Hulett reveals something very personal about his past that Jay suggested maybe Phil should have kept to himself, right before he proclaimed "That was the best story ever." Sorry bird lovers. The Femme Fiscale walks us through what to do with your debit cards now that just about every place on the planet makes your personal data vulnerable to attack. Recreational and Medicinal marijuana is becoming more main stream with states legalizing it's use, cultivation and sale. But are marijuana-related companies worth investing your hard-earned money into? You'll hear what a stock expert has to say. Losses for both the Partridge Family and Gilligan's Island. Chris' first full day on the job as sports guy. Chris gets a lesson in Rocky sequels. Jay gives Phil a birthday gift that is "As Seen on TV." Plus what's better than a loaded gift card good at Del Taco? And Jennifer Bjorklund checks in via Skype while standing on an apple crate and wearing a smelly fire suit.

Thursday Jan 09, 2014
Gadgets, Good Behavior and the New Guy
Thursday Jan 09, 2014
Thursday Jan 09, 2014
Welcome back to Jennifer Bjorklund as the crew gathers to tend to the business at hand: Picking the winner of the "Who Wants Karlo's Job" contest. Will it be Nick Wright, Chris Martin or Daniel Saldana? Karlo joins in from frozen Chicago to lend his endorsement to the winner. Plus we find out if you can put a GPS in a dog. Miss Lora, the self-proclaimed "Trailer Trash Miss Manners" visits the studio to review the rudest celebrities of 2013 and makes sure Phil, Jay and Jenn are on their best behavior. The latest technology advances are the focus when Michael Terpin of Social Radius checks in from the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas and one point hands the phone over to Kevin Bacon who surprisingly enough can waterproof your smartphone! Also, don't miss Jay describe the Christmas present his mom gave him - a membership to Match.com! Yup, it's going to be a great 2014.

Thursday Dec 19, 2013
The All Men Edition (Where's Tommy the Dog?)
Thursday Dec 19, 2013
Thursday Dec 19, 2013
This week Jennifer Bjorklund was missing from the studio, searching for her dog Tommy who got out early in the morning and disappeared. The result of her nearly 12-hour search comes up near the end of this episode. With the boys left behind to play, Phil Hulett and Jay Campadonia took on the task of speaking about "The Science of Everything" with National Geographic Editor, Bridget English. Interestingly, Bridget knew a little too much about Phil Hulett. A new phrase was coined during this segment: "Gangster Hummingbird." The Duck Dynasty guy is a hot topic this week, and coupled with a New Mexico Teacher who told a black student to take off a Santa hat because "Santa is White," race relations was broached with author (Breaking the Line: Victoria's Beginning) and race relations advocate, A'Mera Frieman. Lastly, the three finalists in the "Who Wants Karlo's Job" contest showed off their skills, real time, for Phil and Jay to decide who wins.

Thursday Dec 12, 2013
Farewell to Karlo
Thursday Dec 12, 2013
Thursday Dec 12, 2013
Karlo Sy Su sets out on a voyage from sunny Southern California to his new gig in Chicago where today's temperature reading is 1 degree Fahrenheit. The crew offered going away gifts, and visiting news host, veteran Los Angeles TV News Anchor/Reporter, Marta Waller helped Karlo with a proper scarf knot. Jay had another run in with the opposite sex. We think he learned a valuable lesson this time. Phil mistook Stevie Wonder for Michael Jackson...and nobody will let him forget it. Casey Piotrowski is the author of the book, The Beatles 50 Most Memorable Moments. He visited the studio to review some of his fondest memorials, including his "feelings" for Yoko. Patricia St. James searched the metaphysical world for an answer that satisfied the crews questions about some of the simplest truths in life...and we think she lost Jay in the process. Listen to a robot telemarketer in action, and more.

Thursday Dec 05, 2013
Disneyland for Dads, Real Soda, and R.I.P. Nelson Mandela
Thursday Dec 05, 2013
Thursday Dec 05, 2013
This week's episode features a special tribute to Nelson Mandela who passed away hours before the podcast began. Plus the coolest Disneyland book for Dads and their Sons, The Real Soda Guy with samples of holiday sodas, Jay's bank account gets cleaned out by hackers, Jennifer is on Assignment but she "Skype bombs" our "Who Wants Karlo's Job?" review of mp3 auditions from wannabe podcast sportscasters. Dead Commando Mice, the ten most annoying Christmas songs, the new meaning of Crack Pipe, Nude Beach: Wisconsin Style and more.

Thursday Nov 21, 2013
So Hot it Hurts!
Thursday Nov 21, 2013
Thursday Nov 21, 2013
Which member of the podcast crew is a Chile Head? Listen to Phil, Jenn, Jay and Karlo ingest one of the hottest chilies on the planet, the "Ghost Chile" and be surprised at who handled the heat! The Director of the Chile Pepper Institute explains all things pepper. Plus, is the new PlayStation 4 worth it or is it better to fork out an extra $100 for an Xbox One? Karlo and Jenn celebrate their birthdays, and the Intern quits via Facebook and Phil reads the resignation letter. News of the week, sports, cookies and Jay moons a cruise ship.

Thursday Nov 14, 2013
Safe Sex, a Lambic Bath, Karlo's Big News
Thursday Nov 14, 2013
Thursday Nov 14, 2013
This week's episode is punctuated with heart-breaking news out of the Philippines in the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan, plus Phil Hulett and the crew react to President Obama's proposed change to Obamacare. Katie Clarke filled in for Jennifer Bjorklund with the new. Jay Campadonia was thrilled to learn how to "Look Up before you Hook Up" at http://myluhu.com, a website where you can get tested for Sexually Transmitted Diseases and then post your clean record on online dating sites for potential mates to review. Phil recounted his missed opportunity to "blow chunks" on the air. It was then time to find out about all of major league baseball's post-season awards from Cy Young to MVP, and the Tweet heard 'round the NBA from the Clipper's Matt Barnes. Beer and Wine for the holidays was the next subject, courtesy of an expert who really knows his drink. Jay gave us a few real good reasons NOT to call 9-1-1. Finally, Karlo made a life-changing announcement that will have a big impact on the show.

Thursday Nov 07, 2013
Heat, Weed and the Reverse Catfish
Thursday Nov 07, 2013
Thursday Nov 07, 2013
Things got hot on the show, literally as the air conditioner went on the fritz. But Phil Hulett, Jennifer Bjorklund, Jay Campadonia and Karlo Sy Su plugged on with the business at hand. This was the day Twitter began publicly trading on the New York Stock Exchange. The Stock hit $50 at it's peak on day one. The timeliness was perfect because we got the long awaited culmination of Jay's online dating saga with his Twitter babe. You won't believe what happened...we're not sure we believe it! Plus, listen to the spirited discussion about bullying in the NFL centered around Miami Dolphins Lineman, Ritchie Incognito and his alleged, racially tinged abuse of linemate, Jonathan Martin. Then "The Martha Stewart of Marijuana," Cheryl Shuman paid a visit to the studio with her daughter Aimee to advocate for medical marijuana use and revamping federal laws to allow for national legalization, regulation and taxation. Jasmin and Bobby Kimball (Original Lead Singer of Toto) checked in to talk about the need to adopt "rescue dogs." Plus, Karlo's sports updates, naked yoga and Lady Gaga in space.

Thursday Oct 31, 2013
Halloween Special
Thursday Oct 31, 2013
Thursday Oct 31, 2013

Thursday Oct 24, 2013
Bugs, Bribes and Naked Housekeeping
Thursday Oct 24, 2013
Thursday Oct 24, 2013
This week the show went decidedly gross. First we talked about the state of human nature and dating with the creator of the new app called Carrot Dating which allows you to offer a bribe to a prospective date. Then we spoke to "The Bug Man" and learned all about termites, ants, cockroaches, bed bugs, mice and rats. The crew learned about a new line of underwear that completely filters the smell of flatulence. Dr. Kurtz joined the show to go into graphic detail about cold sores, herpes 1, herpes 2 and what you need to know about contact with others AND your children. Jay came clean about a relationship he is cultivating via text, he also started what might turn into a tradition as an enormous cruise ship floated past our dock-side studio. Karlo displayed a knack for puns. And we learned something "special" about Jennifer that left the boys in stunned silence.

Thursday Oct 17, 2013
Office Coffee Fouls
Thursday Oct 17, 2013
Thursday Oct 17, 2013
This week the Phil Hulett and Friends crew discovered how to deal with "that guy" at work who drinks all the coffee but never makes a pot, found out which jobs require credit checks (you won't believe a couple of them), Scandal with Kerry Washington's Scandal, dry ice bomber, top-selling Halloween costumes - sexy or otherwise, over-the-line Halloween decorations, worst Halloween candies, pit bull chases down dog fight organizer and takes him down, Karlo with Dodgers versus Cardinals -Tigers versus Red Sox - America's NFL Team - Adrian Peterson's dead son and his multiple baby mama's, plus Michael Bay Mugged in Hong Kong, what Jay would steal if he could get way with it, say it together with us - "Ass Wagon," and if you squint...fill-in host Katie Clark sounds a lot like Jennifer Bjorklund.

Wednesday Oct 09, 2013
By Popular Demand
Wednesday Oct 09, 2013
Wednesday Oct 09, 2013
Enjoy some of the best moments from the first 5 episodes of Phil Hulett and Friends, including: the Swedish Dreams Lady, Doctor Lobster, the Fresh-Faced Wing Man, 2 Women Who travel from Alaska to Florida Looking for Love, Pitbull Discrimination, Robo Call Killer, How Jennifer Almost Died, things we can't do, and that wasn't really the Kardashians on the show, was it?