
Tuesday Jun 21, 2016
Episode 277 Part 3 - To Emoji or Not / Playlist for Fishing
Tuesday Jun 21, 2016
Tuesday Jun 21, 2016
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Communication consultant Leslie Shore joins Phil Hulett, Skylar Cuarisma and Dale Lopes to discuss the pros, cons and societal trends of using Emojis. Plus, if you love fishing, you'll love Phil's playlist of Country Music songs about fishing. In English history there's something called "The Great Stink." Listen to this segment to find out what that is. and finally, happy wife, happy life update.

Sunday Jun 19, 2016
Episode 277 Part 2 - Surviving an Active Shooter Situation / NBA Finals
Sunday Jun 19, 2016
Sunday Jun 19, 2016
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Dr. Joe Alton, AKA, "Dr. Bones" offers tips on how to survive an active shooter situation at work, school, or in an open space, like a shopping mall. He says in every case you have three options. Listen to this segment to hear what you need to know to stay alive. Plus Dale Lopes reviews the NBA Finals after 6 games between the Golden State Warriors and the Cleveland Cavaliers. Phil Hulett and Dale disagree on who is going to win.

Saturday Jun 18, 2016
Episode 277 Part 1 - Teen Sex / Muscle Beard / Celebrity Plastic Surgery
Saturday Jun 18, 2016
Saturday Jun 18, 2016
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Dale Lopes uncovers the latest trends in teenage sexual activity. Phil Hulett explains how to turn muscle beard into free dessert. Skylar Cuarisma ain't from around Nashville, but she lives there just the same. She reports on a bar fight that would turn your nose. Plus in all of Hollywood, there are only 13 celebrities who admit to having plastic surgery, and Phil has the list.

Wednesday Jun 15, 2016
Episode 276 Part 6 - Love for Ron Perlman / El Nino was a Bust / Caught at Work
Wednesday Jun 15, 2016
Wednesday Jun 15, 2016
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Manny the Movie Guy visits with his reviews of The Conjuring 2, Now You See Me 2, and Warcraft. Plus Manny has some interesting words for typecast actor Ron Perlman. Gonzo Greg says goodbye and good riddance to El Nino and says hello to his little friend. And Phil Hulett has the top things people get caught doing at work.

Tuesday Jun 14, 2016
Episode 276 Part 5 - Roadside Attractions / ABR / Under the Cap
Tuesday Jun 14, 2016
Tuesday Jun 14, 2016
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Phil Hulett and Gonzo Greg Spillane take a moment to contemplate David Letterman's neck beard. Then Nat Geo Kids Books author, Kitson Jazynka offers her expertise that led to the writing of the book, 125 Wacky Roadside Attractions. If you already know what "ABR" stands for, you know you are pretty twisted. Greg explains in fairly graphic detail about this, uh, lifestyle. And you never know what Phil will find when he looks Under the Cap.

Monday Jun 13, 2016
Monday Jun 13, 2016
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Phil's co-host Gonzo Greg Spillane talks about how much he hated summer camp when he was a kid. This prompted Phil to recall his greatest memory of summer day camp while a member of the Webelos. It was the time when Phil ALMOST DIED! Ironically, the next guest on the program is Dr. Carole Lieberman who, in advising on how to help your kids avoid the summer brain drain, she recommends, among other things, SUMMER CAMP!

Sunday Jun 12, 2016
Episode 276 Part 3 - Planes, Trains and Automobiles / Twitter Attack
Sunday Jun 12, 2016
Sunday Jun 12, 2016
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Travel Guy Gary Warner pops in with his shirt un-tucked to compare the three modes of travel, trains, planes and automobiles. Plus Gonzo Greg explains why is it extremely important for you to change your Twitter password NOW! And Phil offers a list of the top ways you waste time at work.

Saturday Jun 11, 2016
Episode 276 Part 2 - Preventing Alheimer's / How to Rip Off the Apple Store
Saturday Jun 11, 2016
Saturday Jun 11, 2016
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Saturday Jun 11, 2016
Episode 276 Part 1 - Roadside Asset Forfeiture / GPS Blockage / No More Dabbing
Saturday Jun 11, 2016
Saturday Jun 11, 2016
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There's a Highway Patrol force in one US State that apparently cannot wait to be taken to court. These troopers can pull you over, ask for your debit card, and clean out your bank account, just in case you're a bad, bad guy. You won't believe the true motivation behind this, and there's no way this will catch on, will it? It's illegal search and seizure, right? Give a listen and you decide. Thanks co-host Gonzo Greg Spillane for bringing that story to us, and this one: if your GPS stops working in a couple days, you can blame the Navy...but they'll never cop to it, even though they say they're going to do it. Huh? Justin Bieber goes down. Kate Mulgrew had a REALLY bizarre childhood. And if you like to "Dab," we've just heard from a high authority that it's time to let go.

Thursday Jun 09, 2016
Episode 275 Part 6 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles / Racist Math Test for Kids
Thursday Jun 09, 2016
Thursday Jun 09, 2016
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Manny the Movie Guy reviews Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Me Before You and Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping. Plus Phil Hulett reviews the list of celebrities who have been kicked off of airlines. And the elementary school teacher who hastened her retirement by giving kids a racist math test. You will want to hear some of the questions.

Thursday Jun 09, 2016
Episode 275 Part 5 - Service Dogs / Stanley Cup Final / Cincinnati Gorilla
Thursday Jun 09, 2016
Thursday Jun 09, 2016
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Author, Melissa Faye Greene discusses service dogs and the compelling, real life stories in her book, The Underdogs: Children, Dogs & the Power of Unconditional Love. Dale Lopes makes the case for the San Jose Sharks to come back from a deficit and beat the Pittsburgh Penguins in 7 games and win the Stanley Cup. Phil Hulett disagrees! Which team are you on? And Sande Charles updates you on the blow back at the Cincinnati Zoo after the gorilla was put down to save a small child who found his way into the animal's pen. Were the parents or the zoo negligent? Did the gorilla need to die?

Tuesday Jun 07, 2016
Episode 275 Part 4 - Social Media Poisons Kids / Deadly Beauty Products
Tuesday Jun 07, 2016
Tuesday Jun 07, 2016
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Ms. California 2014, Sande Charles co-hosts and she climbs right up onto that proverbial soap box and rails against the people who use social media in a way which corrupts children. You need to hear what she has to say and see if you are on Team Sande or Team Kim! We get an update on Chewbacca Mom. Plus Deborah Chase of the No Nonsense Beauty Blog warns of the ingredients in beauty products that you need to avoid like the plague. She also talks about the essential things you need in your beauty regimen. CONTEST ALERT! Just for listening to this episode, for a limited time, you can qualify for a chance to win a valuable prize from Deborah. Check out the Phil Hulett and Friends Facebook Page for details on how to enter the contest.