
Monday May 23, 2016
Monday May 23, 2016
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NASA Expert Rod Pyle talks about the preponderance of new planets being discovered and ponders how much more likely it is that there is a life-sustaining orb out there in space. Let's give credit where credit is due...the phrase, "A Walmart on Uranus" was delivered with effortless comedic timing by Mr. Pyle during this bit-sized chunk of Episode 273. Brooke Peterson was all giddy about a small country operating an entire week on only renewable energy. Dale Lopes complained about Kiosks at fast food restaurants, but warned pimply-faced counter workers that their days get orders wrong are numbered.

Sunday May 22, 2016
Sunday May 22, 2016
Estate Planning Attorney, Sam Long explains, regardless of size, wills are vital if you don't want to leave your beneficiaries in a world of hurt. Dale Lopes describes a new blood test that can accurately define your metabolism and new therapies that can use that information to help you change it from fast to slow, or vice versa. And finally, Brooke Peterson introduces us to the Bluetooth Tampon.

Saturday May 21, 2016
Episode 273 Part 1 - Fecal Bank / Sex Roulette / Please God Don't Take Vin Scully
Saturday May 21, 2016
Saturday May 21, 2016
Plenty of sex in the first bit-sized chunk of episode 273. You've heard of Russian Roulette, right? You will not believe what Sex Roulette is. Thanks Brooke Peterson for finding this story. And, unless you are a porn star, you might also have a hard time believing how little time, on average, we spend actually having sex in our lifetimes. Doctors truly love us, and they prove this by recommending we eat a healthy plate of human feces to cure certain ailments. Now there's a recognized syndrome adults who throw temper tantrums can blame their poor behavior on. Morely Safer is just another example of a radio/TV reporter/host who worked well into his golden years and dropped dead days after he retired. Phil Hulett worries about what might happen at the end of this Dodger season! Sports Talk host Dale Lopes joins Phil and Brooke in the studio and asks how young is too young for Universities to recruit and offer scholarships to up and coming football players. Try 8th grade?

Thursday May 19, 2016
Episode 272 Part 6 - iTunes Sans Downloads / Shrimp Daddy / Can You Hear Me Now
Thursday May 19, 2016
Thursday May 19, 2016
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This bite-sized chunk of Episode 272 is sponsored by Heat and Cool

Wednesday May 18, 2016
Episode 272 Part 5 - Killer Subaru / So Old She is Dead / Job Hunting 101
Wednesday May 18, 2016
Wednesday May 18, 2016
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In part 5 of episode 272, Friday the 13th Show, and Phil Hulett makes sure everyone knows if they drive a certain model of car, they are going to die. Plus Gonzo Greg is very sad about what just happened to the oldest woman (116) in America. Debbie Silverman's book is called "It's Just a Conversation - What to Say and How to Say It in Business" but on this episode of Phil Hulett and Friends, she offers help to college grads whose diplomas say they learned something but the truth is they are screwed and nobody wants to hire them. This bite-sized chunk of Episode 272 is sponsored by Lunar Pages.

Tuesday May 17, 2016
Episode 272 Part 4 - Sexy GPS Babe / Your Ex on Facebook / Money Monsters
Tuesday May 17, 2016
Tuesday May 17, 2016
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In part 4 of episode 272 we explore what that sexy voice inside your GPS does to you when you are all alone in your car on that lonely road of loserness. The top reasons why most people track down their ex on Facebook. And Manny the Movie Guy reviews The Darkness, Money Monsters and The Lobster.

Monday May 16, 2016
Monday May 16, 2016
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In this chunk of the Friday the 13th Show, travel guy, Gary Warner riffs on the mythology of the day and directs our attention to some of the more superstitious travel destinations in the world. Plus Gonzo Greg reviews the network television cancellations, including the Muppets, which prompted Phil to hate on Miss Piggy. The segment of Episode 272 is sponsored by Lunar Pages.

Sunday May 15, 2016
Sunday May 15, 2016
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Hey, if it's considered art, I guess an 18 foot tall man's ass is worth paying to see in a museum. Maybe you agree? Researchers have found a troubling byproduct of the preponderance of porn in our society, teen girls think they don't measure up so they are getting plastic surgery on their genital area. Careful when visiting Facebook...you could die! Donald Trump Public Relations featuring an agent who Donald Trump says is not Donald Trump. Why the the director of the movie "Space Jam" says the sequel is going to fail. This segment of episode 272, "The Friday the 13th Show" is sponsored by the Heat and Cool.

Saturday May 14, 2016
Episode 272 Part 1 - Friday the 13th / Google Car Update / Sharon and Ozzy
Saturday May 14, 2016
Saturday May 14, 2016
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In order to see and hear the latest episodes of Phil Hulett and Friends, please click here: SUBSCRIBE
This is Phil Hulett's first attempt at segmenting full-length shows into bite-sized chunks. In this first of 6 chunks from episode 272, Phil and co-host Gonzo Greg Spillane talk about up the properties, good and bad, of Friday the 13th. Don't miss our Travel Guy, Gary Warner riffing on Friday the 13th with his list of superstition-related travel destinations in part 3 of this episode. Google tries to force people not to steer their cars. Sharon Osbourne may have given Ozzy the boot, but she's still forcing him to work. You can listen to Episode 272 in it's entirety here: CLICK. Part 1 of Episode 272 is sponsored by Lunar Pages.

Friday May 06, 2016
Prom Sex
Friday May 06, 2016
Friday May 06, 2016
Does everyone really have sex on prom night? We have the definitive answer on this episode of Phil Hulett and Friends. Dr. Roberta Kline returns to the show to show you how to completely detox your body without trendy treatments like coffee enemas. Manny the Movie Guy reviews Captain America: Civil War and lists his top 10 super hero movies of the past 25 years. Colleen O'Grady makes a return visit to try to convince Phil how to treat mom (and his wife) better on Mother's Day. Kelly J joins Phil in the studio and they cover these stories: Hangover remedies, What Prince had in his system when he dies, Why is Train covering the complete Led Zeppelin 2? Apartments on Venus, Kids are wimps, sprinting great grandma, what not to get mom, David Bowie secret images on album cover, the Whopper Dog, Fried Chicken-flavored nail polish, and finally, the apps of the future are going to suck...unless you are color blind.

Friday Apr 29, 2016
What Would Buddha Do?
Friday Apr 29, 2016
Friday Apr 29, 2016
If you ever wondered why Buddha is always depicted as smiling and happy, we now know why. The author of the book, "Unlocking Siddhartha's Brain" joins us to discuss the Buddha and the scientific importance of meditation. Our Travel Guy explains when you should avoid New Orleans. Manny the Movie Guy reveals his Stagecoach wardrobe and reviews Keanu and Mother's Day. The author of the book, "Sleeping Your Way to the Top" talks about, well, you have to listen. Danny Lemos co-hosts this episode. You might know him better as "Chuy from La Puente." Danny and Phil plowed through the following stories: Actress picked to play Lara Croft in Tomb Raider Reboot, Apple employee found dead in conference room, Iron Maiden censored in China, Don't cuddle your dog, restaurant server tricks for better tips, people pay money to eat the stuff floating in the spa, Most women with cats believe their pet effects their love life, Match Game is back with this host, cheating on people is good for you, church goer shoots and kills a guy in church, cop accidentally shoots podiatrist IN THE FOOT, what would you chop off to keep your Internet connection, retweeting makes you stupid, and finally...the pizza box made out of pizza!

Friday Apr 22, 2016
Earth Day Fun
Friday Apr 22, 2016
Friday Apr 22, 2016
In tribute to our mother earth, we sought out stories and guests to amplify a message of conservation and environmentalism...accent on the "mental." Phil offered a quick list of the top Earth Day pick up lines. Gonzo Greg Spillane revealed some very sad news about the Great Barrier Reef and something a lady found in her basement that caused the hazmat team to shut down her neighborhood. Brooke Peterson tipped her hat to the creatures of the earth and why a crazy lady in Yellowstone is lucky to be alive after her encounter with a sleeping bison. Earth Day guests include: Professor Jennifer Becker who hopes for the day when we'll all be drinking reclaimed waste water and she detailed some of the advances in re-purposing waste water solids. Jim Wilkins runs a company that builds environmentally friendly tiny houses, as in 150 square feet tiny! You'll hear why people are buying these homes by the thousands. Beyond Earth Day, we remember the life and music of Prince who died this week at the age of 57. Manny the Movie Guy reviews this weekend's flicks but honestly can't wait until the Coachella crowd gets off of his lawn. Plus The Bitchy Waiter joins us from the other side of the menu. And finally, a creepy robot girlfriend from China is ready to serve your every need....we think.