
Friday Apr 15, 2016
Chris Martin is Dead to Me
Friday Apr 15, 2016
Friday Apr 15, 2016
Those are harsh words, but you will understand why Phil Hulett said that when you hear Chris Martin's big announcement. Nonetheless it was a great show with some focus on money since today is April 15, 2016, "Tax Day." We learn how to turn $100 into $1,000,000, we get tips for saving money on college tuition, and our travel guy suggests great vacations where you can visit the money you have stored in an "off-shore" bank account. Plus Manny the Movie Guy has an important message about Jungle Book. Brooke Peterson, Kelly J, and Chris join Phil with a bunch of stories, including: The McDonalds of the future, a thought-harnessing device that helps quadriplegics move their arms and legs using only thought, a private hotel in space by 2020, real or not tax write-offs, texting in AMC theaters, Gavin Rossdale must really feel guilt over his nanny fling, and finally, the speed at which tiny particles of feces leave your body when you pass gas.

Friday Apr 08, 2016
Med School for Kids
Friday Apr 08, 2016
Friday Apr 08, 2016
There's a middle school in California prepping kids to go into the health profession. But do they get to use a scalpel? Hear from one of the grown up doctors behind this innovative program. Plus, you meet a millennial who packed up his back pack, quit college and hiked through Central America without knowing a lick of Spanish. Dr. Judy Morgan tells you, dogs and cats get springtime allergies, too! Manny the Movie Guy reviews the Boss and gives a surprising preview of The Jungle Book. Chris Martin and Phil Hulett have stories: American Idol is done...or is it? The price of postage is going DOWN! Epic NBA history could be made when the Warriors play the Spurs. Sleep deprivation is the same as being drunk. Should algebra still be required in school? The ten things that make people think you are creepy. Stupid 911 calls. Phil's marshmallow story. And finally, the 4 year old who save his near dead mom's life by knowing how to do this.

Friday Apr 01, 2016
The Scientific Truth About Size
Friday Apr 01, 2016
Friday Apr 01, 2016
On this April Fools Day, we get a definitive answer on penis size from a PhD in Sexology. We didn't know they offered that, but Dr. Claudia Six offered her expertise on that topic and how not to get fooled on a date. Ultra-Economical Travel Expert, Russell Hannon answers the question, "Is it safe to travel abroad?" Guest movie reviewer Russell Hainline of the Long and Late Movie Show podcast said there's a pretty good chance he won't be seeing the two big release movies this weekend, but two smaller films are among the best he's ever seen. The woman behind the blog Parent Hacks shares some of the wisdom young parents have offered over the years, now compiled in a book. Plus Chris Martin tells his tale of extreme exposure to poison oak! Phil sings "No Canada....", the Lakers locker room is not a happy place right now. You wont believe the obesity rate world wide...and we show you how to calculate where your weight stands. There are cheaters everywhere, and apparently a lot of Americans think a lot of stuff is not cheating, technically. "Revenge Farts." "Nipple Cream." Ariana Grande almost died on stage. You don't know how to change a tire. The Anaheim Ducks in-arena host is pranked big time by Phil's boss. And finally, the yoga guy who wants to kill people.

Friday Mar 25, 2016
The Tough to Pick a Headline Episode
Friday Mar 25, 2016
Friday Mar 25, 2016
So much to chose from but we could get in trouble so quickly. For instance, does "Vaginal Seeding" sound good for a headline? Dr. Kathi Fry tells us what that is. When we say, "French fries blanched in tallow," do you say, "Yum" or do you run to the salad bar to gather up some kale? A leading animal fat supplier joins us to talk about changing attitudes among millennials about lard. The Sports Princess picks the winner of March Madness. Manny the Movie Guy has good news and bad news for DC comics fans. Chris Martin has a horrible accident on a nature hike, and we describe it. Gonzo Greg Spillane joins Phil on the show, and they cover these stories: The Rolling Stones play Cuba, Microsoft's AI Chat bot isn't smart enough for dumb people. R.I.P. Garry Shandling. All of Playboy is for sale. Should Axl Rose front AC/DC? The Google Maps "Oops" of the week. The Chrome extension that washes your mouth out with soap. Is James Cameron creepy? The GTA Deer Mod. Modern men cry a lot. And finally, the dancer who set her crotch on fire...on purpose...during a dance competition. It didn't go well.

Friday Mar 18, 2016
Gambling within the Madness
Friday Mar 18, 2016
Friday Mar 18, 2016
As you fill out your NCAA Basketball Championship bracket, think about this: some of the college players have big money riding on the final score of the game. That's the assertion of sports gambling expert and author, Frank Landrey. Plus we explore the 100 things to know before you get old with Becky Baines from National Geographic Kids books. Manny the Movie guy reviews the weekend's new releases and reveals who he thinks should be the next James Bond. We agree, and we have a suggestion for the next Bond Girl. Fashion Marketing expert Keith Nishida opens our minds to a grown up love for a particular toy which rivals Barbie in popularity and is perhaps more recognizable. Kelly J and Chris Martin join Phil in the studio and offer the following stories: Hulk Hogan sex tape trial, Carl's Jr. automated order counter, Pee Wee Herman is back, NYC and urine, Jenny McCarthy's vomit kiss, the A4 Waste Challenge, Self-Tightening Shoes, Sea World's stock, and finally the dog who was lost at sea.

Friday Mar 11, 2016
Tattoo Redemption
Friday Mar 11, 2016
Friday Mar 11, 2016
What a show today! Tattoo artist Skinderella visited the LA Radio Studio to talk about her children's book, "Mommy, Where Do Tattoos Come From?" as well as the violent, months long abduction she is still dealing with on emotional and psychological levels. Listen to this episode to find out how art and tattoos provide therapy...not to mention stories about weird things people want tattooed on weird parts of their bodies. Plus, NASA expert Rod Pyle discusses the so-called, "Space Music" the Apollo 10 astronauts heard while travelling past the dark side of the moon. Manny the Movie Guy reviews 10 Cloverfield Lane and the other weekend releases. Listen carefully for Manny's favorite moment in Sacha Baron Cohen's new movie. We have stories, too: The movement to stop Daylight Saving Time, what scientists have only just now started to do to alleviate the drought in California even though they've had the technology forever, the food recall that if you chose to ignore you will bleed out at the dinner table and die, Canada's Prime Minister Hottie,Johnny Football is doomed, a woman who was mauled by a bear rants about The Revenant, and finally Cuban men are implanting what in their junk?

Friday Mar 04, 2016
You Want to Tax My What?
Friday Mar 04, 2016
Friday Mar 04, 2016
Women are fighting back in New York state over what is, perhaps the most sexist tax in the country. We talk about it on today's show. Plus Dr. Janet Lintala makes a case for screening all babies for autism. Manny the Movie Guy reviews Zootopia, London Has Fallen and Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. Brent Goldfarb explains why he believes Tesla cannot compete in the auto business. Travel guy Gary Warner takes you to a surprising city in the Pacific Northwest which is booming. More topics on the show: Kids on the Forbes Billionaire list. Michael Jordan's money. Aviation distance record. The effects on the body after a year in space. Yet another bad reason to call 911. Load of a son gets a bill for living at home. The odds a flight attendant will have sex with you in-flight. The ten nastiest things in your bathroom. Tom Brady is going down. And finally, good news could break your heart...as in KILL YOU!

Friday Feb 26, 2016
Going Extra Large on Oscar
Friday Feb 26, 2016
Friday Feb 26, 2016
Its Oscar weekend and as such we're going EXTRA LARGE with Manny the Movie Guy. He offers up his picks in every category of the 88th Academy Awards so you can win your office pool. Dr. Kyra Bobinet returns with the steps you can take on leap day (Feb. 29) to find the next iteration of you. Wealth Management advisor, Alan Goodstein explains how to invest in this crazy market. Listen to the sector he picks as the number one place for smart money. Chris Martin tells us about the novelties NASA sends to the International Space Station. Medical Marijuana was just legalized on an entire continent. Terrorist vs Social Media companies. The "Cecil Effect." Cheryl Tiegs on plus-size models. Katy Perry is really a long-dead child beauty queen? The 10 surprising stars who have never one Oscar. And finally, the five compliments men never tire of hearing.

Friday Feb 19, 2016
You Did What? Where?
Friday Feb 19, 2016
Friday Feb 19, 2016
It's one of those odd, but not so rare moments, when somebody on Phil Hulett and Friends reveals a deep dark secret. On this episode, Gonzo Greg Spillane let us in on something he and an ex-girlfriend, who happened to work at a morgue, did, and where they did it. You have to listen, but I think you know where this is going. Beyond that, it was a mostly wholesome program. Manny the Movie Guy reviewed The Witch, Race and Risen. Humorist Jan Marshall taught us to find the humor in everything, including cancer. Attorney Leiza Dolghih explained how a Supreme Court ruling on perception discrimination could impact the definitions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and other Equal Opportunity guidelines. Travel Guy Gary Warner just flew in from Scottsdale, Arizona and boy are somebody's arms tired. Plus Kim K's stupid online game is a blockbuster. Who is crazier, Kanye West, Donald Trump or Shia Labeouf? Why Apple's stance on privacy is the right one for you. God is dead. You put what in my Guinness? Drunk tattoo. Deadpool SNL petition. Mailman attacked by wild turkeys. Where to find all the midlife crisis guys. And finally, the 81-year old woman you do not want to rob.

Friday Feb 12, 2016
Valentine's Mayhem
Friday Feb 12, 2016
Friday Feb 12, 2016
This episode of Phil Hulett and Friends was, in the planning stages, was steeped in well intentions. In execution, it was fraught with danger. Listen and you will learn how to get over your Ex with Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby. Our Valentine's stats will amaze, inform and outrage. We reveal what America believes the perfect woman looks like this year. What does a guy REALLY want on Valentine's day. Relationship coach Cary Valentine shows you how to make every day Valentine's Day. Not related to things romantic, inventor Aaron Foss explains how to block robo-calls forever! Manny the Movie Guy tries to explain Owen Wilson's nose. Plus, what to do now that Netflix has been hacked, The "Oscar Crawl," which fast food chain has better fish sandwiches for Lent? A replica of the Titanic is almost ready for your to vacation on, and finally, Justin Bieber says he was not reckless with his monkey.

Friday Feb 05, 2016
Big Game Big Show
Friday Feb 05, 2016
Friday Feb 05, 2016
The "big game" is a happening this weekend, and we call it that because the NFL doesn't want us to say Super Bowl unless we...OOPS. Nonetheless, we have plenty of info to help you enjoy the game and your party, plus the goofy prop bets you could wager even if you know nothing about football. Dr. Kurtz sets the record straight on Zika virus. Manny the Movie guy enjoys a little "eye candy." Author Tami Gilbert motivates us with the story of the heart-breaking, difficult road she took from abandonment in Nigeria to MBA in America, and she offers tips on what NOT to say to your co-workers. Travel Guy Gary Warner picks the best Valentine's destinations, domestic and international.

Friday Jan 22, 2016
Mammo Madness
Friday Jan 22, 2016
Friday Jan 22, 2016
On today's episode of Phil Hulett and Friends, Dr. George Flinn explained why the Government's mammogram guideline is a bad idea, and he urged women to sign the petition at ScreenAt40.com. World renowned handwriting analysis expert, Doc Grayson makes some astonishing findings about Brooke, Chris and Phil after analyzing their handwriting. Travel Guy Gary Warner explains why, even with El Nino and terrorism, now is a great time to book a cruise. Manny the Movie Guy reviews the weekend releases and his number one pick is a movie you probably have never heard of. Plus: You only know a few of your Facebook Friends, hoverboard refunds, NFL Divisional playoffs, Planet 9, Snake Bite Man, Underwear Man, Tinder STD Test Finder, Road Kill Kitchen, the top 10 things our bodies do to humiliate us, the most common wardrobe malfunctions, and finally, the anatomy of the male urine stream.