
Tuesday Nov 17, 2015
Paris, Antibiotics and the Politics of Love
Tuesday Nov 17, 2015
Tuesday Nov 17, 2015
With everybody cancelling their European travel plans because of the terror attacks in Paris this past Friday, is now actually a great time to visit Paris? Our travel guy gives an excellent historical perspective on Parisians bouncing back from adversity and why we should help them along the way. Plus Dr. Amesh Agalja answers the question, are antibiotics effective anymore? Should Republicans and Democrats date? Dr. Frieda Birnbaum has some unbelievable things to say about bi-political relationships. Chris Martin and Phil Hulett have a big stack of stories for you as well, including: Charlie Sheen's H.I.V., hackers declare war on ISIS, California needs to hire a Pot Head, Twitter's secret Emoji plan, Fast food goes cage-free, how not to get ripped off by labels on frozen turkeys, this week coffee is good for your health, details on TONIGHT'S once in three decades meteor shower, Janis Joplin was a bad ass, Oxford Dictionaries' word of the year isn't even a word, the weirdest things people find on their significant other's phones, the top cosplay costumes people fantasize about, and Brad Paisley's fishin' hole.

Thursday Nov 12, 2015
Relationship Deal Breakers and Franchises
Thursday Nov 12, 2015
Thursday Nov 12, 2015
Among today's topics on Phil Hulett and Friends, is buying a franchise a good idea? An expert looks at the pros and cons and just how inexpensive it is to get a franchise going. Relationship Expert, Dr. Lesliebeth Wish talks about the top deal-breakers in a relationship, how to over come them, and if it's even worth it. Manny the Movie Guy has to dig real deep to find a movie he likes for this weekend. Chris Martin joins Phil in the studio with a truck-load of items, including: Disney CEO to oversee bringing NFL teams to Los Angeles, New York puts the hammer down on Fan Duel and Draft Kings, original Guns N' Roses members to reunite for a tour?, the birth control pill that gets you pregnant, man saves drowning bear, the gum wall is clean, rich dad puts all dads to shame with this gift for his little princess, Bloomingdale's roofie ad apology, college majors that are most likely to keep you living in your parent's basement, garlic makes you sexy, Amazing Race big time gamble you'll like the contestants next season, and finally, Neil Young is not young.

Tuesday Nov 10, 2015
Honoring Soldiers and the their Family
Tuesday Nov 10, 2015
Tuesday Nov 10, 2015
On this, the day before Veteran's Day in America, we get the perspective of an Army wife and how different the holiday is for her family and what message she has for the rest of us. Plus 40-years ago today the Edmund Fitzgerald sunk in Lake Superior and now you can't get that Gordon Lightfoot song out of your head! November is "Adopt a Senior Pet Month" and Dr. Judy Morgan offers the reasons to adopt a senior pet and arrangements for you to become a foster home for a senior pet with all medical expenses paid! Travel guy Gary Warner goes out for four exciting surfing competitions in Hawaii. Chris Martin joins Phil in the studio for a stack of stories, including: Sea World's plans to shut down Orca shows, teens and their x-rated online personal photo vaults, Pam Anderson's naked celebration, the dying wish of a Star Wars fan fulfilled, Snoop Dog's branded marijuana, NFL Concussion Guy, the GOP Debate on Fox Business, Are Hot Dogs a sandwich? Lorena Bobbitt's husband, washing machine music, attractive facial hair, clip-on man bun, signs a charity is a scam, possums in the microwave, and finally a couple dates for a year and eventually realize they are...

Thursday Nov 05, 2015
Couch Surfing and Faking Sports Knowledge
Thursday Nov 05, 2015
Thursday Nov 05, 2015
AirBnB is in the news this week after San Francisco voters shot down a move to put the screws to average folk renting out rooms to international travelers. On this episode of Phil Hulett and Friends you'll hear from an AirBnB "Super Host" who's making bank renting out a room in her two-room apartment in central SF. Manny the Movie guy spills the beans about Antonio Banderas and puts Phil in his place for a disparaging remark about Filipino TV. Sports reporter, author and talk host, Kate Delaney talks about sports for non-sports people and how doing a little research can help advance your career. Chris Martin and Phil weigh in with additional stories: Facebook's latest milestone, Katy Perry dominates one list, it's National Doughnut Day, The CMA's might be bigger than the Oscars, Princess Leia's Slave Bikini, the NFL teams with the drunkest fans, and finally the family who lost their cat...you have to hear it.

Tuesday Nov 03, 2015
Is the 4th Amendment Dead?
Tuesday Nov 03, 2015
Tuesday Nov 03, 2015
Last week the U.S. Senate passed the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA) and civil libertarians are up in arms. The National Chair of Restore the Fourth joins Phil Hulett and Chris Martin to explain with CISA is not a security act, it's a surveillance bill and you should be worried about it. Plus author Austin Kleon encourages you to steal like an artist. Our travel guy, Gary Warner explains the difference between Veteran's Day and Memorial Day and lists 4 of his favorite military spots to visit. Other stories on this episode: We are pretty sure Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton are officially a rebound couple. By the way, who's older? Is Tom Jones black? He want's to know, too. Adele owns pop music. What'll $2 million buy you at Victoria's Secret? How much soda per week will kill you? Hackers expose the names of 1,000 alleged Ku Klux Klan members. And finally, a change at Twitter that might pull at your heart strings

Thursday Oct 29, 2015
Ghost Stories
Thursday Oct 29, 2015
Thursday Oct 29, 2015
Scary stuff today. We hear a bunch of ghost stories from a clairvoyant and from a science writer. But what may be more shocking is the ghost stories Phil Hulett told on today's episode. Plus, on this National Cat Day, a guy named Doogie talks about some very interesting cats perhaps you weren't aware of. Chris Martin tells us China is finally all in on world domination. Plus the top Halloween candies, what can Floyd Mayweather get with $50,000 in a strip club? Does Buffalo Wild Wings have a beef with the sports league that it owe's it's existence to? Have Aussies been mortally insulted by linguistics experts? Unlimited chicken nuggets!!! Hannah finally gets her horse. And finally, giant pumpkins crush minivans! Happy Halloween.

Tuesday Oct 27, 2015
Pro Teams Corrupted by Daily Fantasy Games
Tuesday Oct 27, 2015
Tuesday Oct 27, 2015
With companies like Fan Duel and Draft Kings growing in popularity, the sponsorship money is irresistible for professional sports franchises. But how deep is the relationship, and do leagues, teams and players have a stake in the success of daily fantasy sports companies? A former NFL attorney blows the whistle on this episode of Phil Hulett and Friends. Plus: is she a witch or just a kindly women from Germany, tucked away in northern Alberta with potions and other concoctions you can make in your kitchen? Our travel guy takes us around the world to the spookiest graveyards. Festmeister Hans joins us to talk about a mash up of Halloween and Oktoberfest called OktoberBeast! Chris Martin tallies the score between meat-eaters and vegetarians after the World Health Organization issues a ruling on processed meats. Also: World Series Game 1 preview, Dog shoots hunter, Gervais vs Rock, Lamar Odom's cocaine test result, kids steal a car and the owner chases them down in THIS, how to make fake blood for Halloween without ketchup, and finally an entire town enlists thousands of people to give a terminal child an epic, and final Christmas.

Thursday Oct 22, 2015
All By Myself
Thursday Oct 22, 2015
Thursday Oct 22, 2015
We miss ya! Visit www.PhilHulettandFriends.com to subscribe to our official rss feed. Catch up on all the shows you've missed, and hear the very latest from Phil and the firends. The show is better than ever. Thanks for coming back!
It's a Phil Hulett and Friends first! Phil does the show solo (all by himself). There's no shortage of subject matter today: Khloe and Lamar call off divorce, John Tesh is brilliant, Batman v. Superman, backlash over the new Dr. Frank-N-Furter, The teddy bear you want to kill, women won't tell you this but they are watching a ton of porn, the 10 best jobs in America, will you pay for YouTube?, the healthiest sodas, the top horror movies of all time, plus movie reviews with Manny the Movie Guy and even bigger news from Manny...uh, Antonio Banderas? You have to listen. Plus teen driving safety with Dr. Richard Harkness and the top medical advancements since Back to the Future with Business Psychologist, Dani Kimlinger.
Click here to listen to this episode.

Tuesday Oct 20, 2015
Grease Guns for Girls
Tuesday Oct 20, 2015
Tuesday Oct 20, 2015
On today's episode of Phil Hulett and Friends, Brooke Peterson and Phil get a tips on car repairs from Rachel De Barros better known as the Gearhead Diva from Velocity's All Girls Garage. Plus Edward Meyer from Ripley's Believe it or Not talks about this year's Eye-Popping Oddities! Travel Guy Gary Warner unloads a list of the best pumpkin chucking festivals...and impersonates Elvis and Ozzy! Stories include: Drone FAA license requirement, Zooey Deschanel's stupid website is worth millions, How popular is Star Wars VII? Genetically engineered super dogs, software replaces journalists, the top music artist for every letter of the alphabet, Taylor Swift makes how much every day? Car seat that massages the road rage right out of you, the top Halloween costumes that make men think you want sex, and finally the kid who insists he didn't eat a cupcake even though his face is covered in frosting.

Thursday Oct 15, 2015
Love Your Boss
Thursday Oct 15, 2015
Thursday Oct 15, 2015
October 16 is National Bosses Day. Are you friends with your boss? Do you have the boss from hell? Dr. Kevin Mays offers tips you can use to get a head without brown-nosing. Jane Fonda did what with Michael Jackson? Manny the Movie Guy reviews Bridge of Spies, Goosebumps and Crimson Peak. Chris Martin has a Lamar Odom update, this day in Dodgers history, the subject that beat the Jeopardy genius, move over pizza rat, meet pigeon attack rat, is there a doctor on the plane? Back from the dead sushi! Plus Phil wonders why people in Nigeria drink more Guinness than people in Ireland? Men and Women chose either sex or food. Which would you pick? The kinky zoo-keeper love triangle. And finally, the most common things we are afraid of.

Tuesday Oct 13, 2015
Pumpkin Spice Mac n Cheese
Tuesday Oct 13, 2015
Tuesday Oct 13, 2015
Everything has pumpkin spice flavor this time of year...beer, latte, even mac n cheese! The "Bikini Boss" tells us how to eat pumpkin spice to our hearts delight without guilt. Plus Matt and Debra Trusela give us some of the top signs you should call off your wedding. And Travel Guy Gary Warner extols the virtues of British Columbia. Gonzo Greg Spillane and Chris Martin joins Phil with these topics: the guy who bought Google.com for $12! No more nudity in Playboy Magazine, Bud's buying Miller, cubicle brewers, What do Democrats, SNL, and Aerosmith all have in common? Giant pine cones! UBER getaway car, Christopher Columbus love, K-Mart Radio, Michelle Duggar's advice to women on how to keep their men satisfied, What it means if you drink black coffee, the top 10 things people steal from hotels, and finally, who runs faster, a T-Rex or a human?

Thursday Oct 08, 2015
Alien Abduction
Thursday Oct 08, 2015
Thursday Oct 08, 2015
We miss ya! Visit www.PhilHulettandFriends.com to subscribe to our official rss feed. Catch up on all the shows you've missed, and hear the very latest from Phil and the firends. The show is better than ever. Thanks for coming back!
On this episode of Phil Hulett and Friends you will hear one of the most compelling and believable stories of alien abduction you will ever hear. Author, Ron Felber recounts the story found in his new book, The Mojave Incident...and yes, there was probing involved. Plus, executive producer Mike Stark reviews this year's Rock and Roll Hall of Fame nominees. Phil can't believe some of the names on the list. Maybe you will agree with him? Movie reviews from Shira Selko of the Long and Late Movie Show. Ted Prichard and Chris Martin join Phil with these stories: Childhood obesity is on the run, Sea World wants more space for Orcas, Derrick Fisher is hitting Matt Barnes' Ex! MLB Playoffs, Vin Scully in the hospital, National Poetry Day, and finally...stock up, there's gonna be Pumpkin Pie mix shortage.